Forum of Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Ministers responsible for the Status of Women
Each year, Federal, Provincial, and Territorial (FPT) Ministers responsible for the Status of Women meet to share information and to undertake collaborative initiatives. This Forum provides the opportunity for FPT Ministers to influence change on current and emerging issues related to women’s equality and the status of women. These issues can include gender diversity and gender equality, considering the varying scope of each Minister’s mandate.
In 2020 and 2021, for example, the Forum represented an important platform for Ministers to discuss and share information and expertise on how best to respond to COVID-19’s gendered and intersectional impacts.
About the Forum
Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth is the federal chair. She co-chairs with a provincial or territorial Minister Responsible for the Status of Women on an annual rotational basis.
The work of the Forum is advanced through five priority pillars:
- economic participation and prosperity
- education and skills development
- leadership and democratic participation
- gender based violence and access to justice
- poverty reduction, health, and well-being
In addition to annual meetings, ministerial meetings can also be arranged on an ad hoc basis to discuss key emerging issues. FPT Senior Officials meet on a regular basis throughout the year to advance the annual agenda and work plan mandated by the Ministers.
Engaging with National Indigenous Leaders and Representatives
Since 2017, meetings between FPT Ministers and National Indigenous Leaders and Representatives have been held prior to the annual FPT ministerial meetings. These meetings provide a dedicated space to focus on the issues and priorities identified by Indigenous partners. Their engagement in the Forum has provided valuable insight and information to assist federal, provincial, and territorial jurisdictions in understanding how best to address issues of mutual concern.
FPT 40th anniversary video
Watch the FPT 40th anniversary video on Youtube.
Federal-Provincial-Territorial ministers responsible for the Status of Women: A historic timeline
Learn about how FPTs supported notable milestones for women across Canada.
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