Statement by the Minister on the occasion of Women's History Month


October 1st, 2016

Ottawa, Ontario- The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Status of Women, today issued the following statement:

"October is Women’s History Month in Canada, a time for Canadians to celebrate women’s contributions to our amazing country.

This year’s theme “Because of Her” reminds us of the extraordinary women who have blazed trails throughout Canada’s history. It is also an opportunity to acknowledge the women who have shaped Canada into the country that it is today. From the beginning, women have been breaking down barriers to shape their own lives and their families’, build communities, and advance our society in new and meaningful ways.

Much of our progress as a nation can be traced to their visionary efforts, often in the face of intractable social barriers, sexism, and deep-seated resistance to change. Yet many of their stories are forgotten, and fewer still made it into the history books.

That’s why Women’s History Month is so important.

I invite you to visit to discover the wonderful stories of women who have helped make Canada one of the best countries in the world to live in. You can also join the Government of Canada’s #BecauseofHer campaign to share their stories, or to honour a woman who inspires you.

Happy Women’s History Month!"


Matthew Pascuzzo
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Status of Women

Nanci-Jean Waugh
Director General, Communications and Public Affairs
Status of Women Canada

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