Backgrounder: Government of Canada announces funding to address gender-based violence and advance gender equality
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a public health risk, a national security concern, a human rights violation and a significant barrier to gender equality in Canada. Gender-based violence costs women and gender-diverse people their lives. It can have profound effects on women, children, LGBTQ2 people, Indigenous women, Black and other racialized women, women living with a disability and women living in rural and remote regions.
As part of the 2017 federal strategy, It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence (GBV Strategy), the Government of Canada is advancing efforts in three areas: preventing gender-based violence; supporting survivors and their families; and promoting responsive legal and justice systems.
To actively ensure that anyone facing GBV has reliable and timely access to protection and services, no matter who they are or where they live, the Government of Canada is also working with provinces and territories, Indigenous partners and stakeholders on the development of a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.
Budget 2021 included a historic investment of $601.3 million over five years, starting in 2021-22 to advance towards a new National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.
Today’s announcement includes:
- Almost $200 million over two years to shelters, sexual assault centres and organizations supporting women and children experiencing violence. This will ensure these critical front-line organizations can continue to provide life-saving services and supports to those who need it most. To swiftly deliver these much-needed funds across the country, Women and Gender Equality Canada will continue to work with Women’s Shelters Canada, Canadian Women’s Foundation and with the Government of Québec.
- Up to $27.3 million to support 72 projects to address gender-based violence across Canada. In addition, up to $2 million for a two-year project that will address and prevent gender-based violence in post-secondary institutions, to be delivered through Possibility Seeds.
- Approximately $693,000 for the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) to support a series of events over the next two years that will bring together feminist organizations and community leaders. These events will provide a forum for Canada’s women’s movement to come together in all its diversity to strengthen connections and work more closely together to create a fairer, stronger and more equitable Canada.
- Up to $6.2 million to the Assembly of First Nations to empower First Nations women and increase their leadership and democratic participation. In addition, funding will be provided to Pauktuutit and Women of the Métis Nation to develop plans to do the same in their respective communities.
- Stemming from the January 2021 endorsement of the historic FPT Ministerial Joint Declaration for a Canada Free of Gender-Based Violence, the Minister announced continued collaboration with Provinces and Territories through up to $2.8M for eight gender-based violence joint projects in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Yukon.
The funding announced today builds on investments made to date to further address gender-based violence in our country.
To further strengthen this work, Budget 2021 committed $14 million for a dedicated secretariat and $11 million for gender-based violence research. The establishment of the Secretariat will allow for the provision of strong evidence, knowledge mobilization, enhanced coordination and collaboration within and across jurisdictions, strengthened engagement with stakeholders and shared accountability approaches. This funding will allow WAGE to support community-based research on emerging issues relevant to addressing gender-based violence. The community-based research will be undertaken collaboratively with community organizations representing those most at risk of gender-based violence, including Black and racialized women, Indigenous women, women with disabilities and LGBTQ2 women.
Finally, to support the Government of Canada’s commitment to the 2021 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People National Action Plan, an upcoming call for proposals will be announced later this month to bolster the capacity of Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ organizations to provide gender-based violence prevention programming.
Project Funding Details : Gender Based Violence Program
Canadian Council of Muslim Women
Toronto, Ontario
Humane Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
End FGM Canada Network Society
West Vancouver, British Columbia
Ending Violence Association of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
HIV Legal Network
Toronto, Ontario
Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society
Oshawa, Ontario
The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University
Montréal, Quebec
White Ribbon
Toronto, Ontario
Women's Shelters Canada / Hébergement femmes Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness Society
Victoria, British Columbia
B.C. Federation of Labour
Vancouver, British Columbia
DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society
Surrey, British Columbia
Dixon Transition Society
Burnaby, British Columbia
Health Justice Society
Vancouver, British Columbia
Justice for Girls Outreach Society
Vancouver, British Columbia
Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society
Langley, British Columbia
Peers Victoria Resources Society
Victoria, British Columbia
RainCity Housing and Support Society
Vancouver, British Columbia
Rise Women's Legal Centre
Vancouver, British Columbia
Société Inform’Elles Society
Vancouver, British Columbia
Surrey Women's Centre Society
Surrey, British Columbia
The Circle Salt Spring Education Society
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
The Vancouver Women's Health Collective Society
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver & Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society (VLMFSS)
Vancouver, British Columbia
Warriors Against Violence Society
Vancouver, British Columbia
Catholic Family Services of Prince Albert
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Centre for Sexuality Society
Calgary, Alberta
HIV Community Link Society
Calgary, Alberta
Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women
Edmonton, Alberta
Manitoba Association of Women's Shelters Inc.
Winkler, Manitoba
Samson Cree Nation
Maskwacis, Alberta
Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton
Edmonton, Alberta
The West Central Women's Resource Centre Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
AIDS Committee of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
Anova: a future without violence
London, Ontario
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
Toronto, Ontario
Coopération Intégration Canada Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario
Embrave Agency to End Violence
Mississauga, Ontario
Heritage Skills Development Centre
Scarborough, Ontario
Luke's Place Support & Resource Centre for Women & Children
Oshawa, Ontario
Malton Women Council
Mississauga, Ontario
Moyo Health & Community Services
Brampton, Ontario
North York Women's Resource Centre
Toronto, Ontario
Kitchener-Waterloo Young Women's Christian Association
Kitchener, Ontario
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston Incorporated
Kingston, Ontario
South Asian Women's Centre
Toronto, Ontario
The Redwood…For Women and Children Fleeing Abuse
Toronto, Ontario
Victim Services of Durham Region
Whitby, Ontario
Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre
Toronto, Ontario
Women's Place (St Catharines & District) Inc.
St. Catharines, Ontario
Women's Sexual Assault Centre
Pembroke, Ontario
Quebec and Nunavut
Association Y.W.C.A. de Québec
L'R des centres de femmes du Québec
Montréal, Quebec
Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale
Montréal, Quebec
Avalon Centre Society
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Beausejour Family Crisis Resource Centre Inc.
Shediac, New Brunswick
Centre de prévention de la violence inc.
Sainte-Anne de Kent, New Brunswick
Gateway Status of Women Inc.
Port aux Basques, Newfoundland and Labrador
L'Escale MadaVic Inc.
Edmundston, New Brunswick
New Brunswick Multicultural Council Inc.
Fredericton, New Brunswick
We Worthy Women
Halifax, Nova Scotia
FOXY (Fostering Open eXpression among Youth)
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
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