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Sites des FMP alliées

Visitez leur site Web et apprenez de certains des alliés les plus indispensables de l'Armée canadienne.


The Army Leader  

The Army Leader is United Kingdom (UK) based and is the unofficial home for serving and former soldiers and officers to share their leadership experiences, offer advice and tips, and provide development tools.


War on the Rocks

War on the Rocks is a United States (US) based platform for analysis, commentary, debate and multimedia content on foreign policy and national security issues through a realist lens. It features articles and podcasts produced by an array of writers.


 Army University Press

The United States (US) Army’s premier multimedia organization that focuses on advancing the ideas and insights military professionals need to lead and succeed. The Army University Press is the Army’s entry point for cutting-edge thought and...


 The Cove

The Cove is an online professional development network for the Australian Army. It’s designed to connect defence members together into a professional network, based on their professional interests and/or level of experience.


 NCO Journal

The NCO Journal is the official magazine of United States (US) Army Non-commissioned officer (NCO) professional development (PD). The NCO Journal provides a forum for the open exchange of ideas and information pertinent to the NCO Corps, supports...


 Grounded Curiosity

Grounded Curiosity is an Australian website dedicated to the professional development of military personnel across all ranks and experience levels. They seek to promote discussions that will best prepare our people for the future.


 Wavell Room

The Wavell Room is a blog site established to provide a platform for contemporary British military thinking. It is intended to stimulate discussion and deviate from the norms of extant thinking and doctrine, whilst hopefully providing a basis upon...


 From the Green Notebook

From the Green Notebook was created to provide a platform for leaders to help each other by sharing lessons learned: lessons that come from our own green notebooks. It doesn’t matter whether a Soldier is a sergeant or a general officer, odds are...


 The Centre for Army Leadership

The Centre for Army Leadership is a United Kingdom (UK) based site that exists to champion army leadership excellence in order to optimise the Army’s edge and underpin operational success. As part of their mission to improve leadership in the Army...


 The Military Leader

The Military Leader is a United States (US) based website and is designed to provide leaders of all professions with resources and insight they can use to develop themselves and their organizations.


The Forge

The Forge is an online hub designed to help build and hone the intellectual edge of those involved in the Profession of Arms.

This innovative approach to military education is being delivered by the Australian Defence College (ADC), an institution which facilitates the professional mastery of members of the Defence organisation.


Centre d’études stratégiques de l’Afrique

Le Centre d’études stratégiques de l’Afrique est un organisme du Département de la défense des États-Unis, créé et financé par le Congrès américain, pour l’étude des problèmes de sécurité se rapportant à l’Afrique et sert de forum de recherche bilatérale et multilatérale, de communications, d’échange d’idées et de formations ouvert aux civils comme aux militaires.


Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'Ecole Militaire

Créé en 2009, l’IRSEM est un organisme extérieur de la Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie (DGRIS) du ministère des Armées (La France).


Modern War Institute (at West Point)

Le Modern War Institute (MWI) de West Point est une ressource nationale au sein du département d'instruction militaire qui étudie les conflits récents et en cours afin de préparer les leaders actuels et futurs à gagner dans un monde complexe. (En anglais seulement)


Le Rubicon - Plateforme francophone d'analyse des questions internationales

Le Rubicon est une plateforme francophone d’analyse des questions internationales, principalement de sécurité et de défense, mais aussi de politique étrangère, avec un intérêt particulier pour la guerre dite hybride, les cyberattaques, la lutte informationnelle et le renouveau de la conflictualité dans les différents espaces physiques.


The Strategy Bridge

Une organisation sans but lucratif axée sur le développement des personnes dans le domaine de la stratégie, de la sécurité nationale et des affaires militaires. (En anglais seulement)


The Institute for the Study of War

Une organisation qui favorise une compréhension éclairée des affaires militaires grâce à des recherches fiables, des analyses fiables et une éducation innovante. (En anglais seulement)

Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library (CARL) Digital Library 

The collections contained within the Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library are largely composed of digital versions of paper documents from the Ike Skelton CARL collections and student papers produced at the US Army Command and General Staff College. We have recently partnered with several Army educational and historical organizations whose collections appear here also. The collections of digitized materials are uploaded in the CONTENTdm® Digital Collection Management System which allows for greater search and retrieval of the individual documents. 

De l’officier de liaison de France à l’Armée Canadienne

Avec l’évolution de l’opération Sentinelle sur le territoire national et la mise en place de 300 soldats dans le cadre de la mission de l’OTAN eFP, l’armée de Terre n’a de cesse de s’adapter aux nouvelles menaces intérieures et extérieures. En parallèle, les nouveaux équipements du programme SCORPION équipent progressivement les forces terrestres.

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