The Second World War (1939-1945) - part 3

In July 2012, Queen Elizabeth II unveiled a memorial in honour of those who served in Bomber Command and those who lost their lives in that service.

Located in Green Park, in London, the memorial’s centrepiece is a bronze statue of seven airmen returning from a sortie. The roof of the memorial building incorporates sections of aluminum recovered from a Canadian Handley Page Halifax III bomber from 426 Squadron that was shot down over Belgium on the night of May 12, 1944.

Also in July 2012, the government of Canada announced that veterans of Bomber Command would be awarded a special bar to wear on the ribbon of their Canadian Volunteer Service medal, in recognition of their service.


German armaments minister Albert Speer said the air war opened “a second front” in the skies over Germany long before the 1944 Normandy invasion.

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