The operational headquarters of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba, home of 1 Canadian Air Division (CAD), the Canadian NORAD Region (CANR), Joint Force Air Component (JFAC) and Search and Rescue Region Trenton. This headquarters is the source of air power provided by the RCAF to Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command for domestic and overseas missions, Commander Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, Commander of NORAD through CANR, and commanders of the Search and Rescue Regions across Canada.
Organized and equipped to provide operations-ready forces for rapid deployment and employment, members of 1 CAD/CANR/JFAC ensure wings and units are ready with the right mix of air power to meet Canada’s aerospace needs and, as a partner in NORAD, are able to counter potential threats to the safety and security of North America.
1 CAD operates a diverse fleet of aircraft and also provides an array of command, control, aerospace warning and control, communications and intelligence systems in support of Canada’s defence priorities at home and abroad.
The Commander of 1 CAD/CANR/JFAC is also responsible for the operational command and control of Air Force assets (except for 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron which is an integral element of the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command) and is responsible for maintaining the Air Force’s readiness, while also serving as the Operational Airworthiness authority.
There are 11 wings under 1 CAD, which are located across Canada. Together, they include approximately 13,000 military and civilian Defence Team members and 15 fleets of aircraft.