CT155211 Hawk - Epilogue
Report / August 21, 2018 / Project number: CT155211 - E Category
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
Date: 21 August 2018
Status: Investigation Completed
The occurrence involved a Royal Canadian Air Force high-performance CT155 Hawk jet aircraft with a crew of two, and a single pilot Thrush agricultural applicator aircraft. The CT155 Hawk had just departed from 15 Wing Moose Jaw airport to conduct a tactical navigation training mission. The Thrush was returning to Moose Jaw Municipal airport following completion of aerial spraying over crops west of Moose Jaw, SK.
Initially eastbound at 5,500 feet above mean sea level at 130 miles per hour indicated airspeed, the Thrush was in a descent through 4,500 feet above mean sea level at the time of the near mid-air collision. The CT155 Hawk was westbound at 4,500 feet above mean sea level at a ground speed of 360 knots when the two aircraft crossed paths from head-on. The weather was favorable for visual flight. Smoke from forest fires was causing a reduction in visibility of 4-6 statute miles.
The Thrush pilot observed the Hawk approaching from slightly right of head-on and immediately began an evasive manoeuvre, rolling left while deploying a smoke trail to make his aircraft more visible. The course member in the front seat of the CT155 Hawk saw the smoke trail and rolled left, away from the Thrush.
Both aircraft returned to their home airfields safely and without further incident. The investigation focused on 15 Wing’s near mid-air collision history and methods for avoiding mid-air collisions. Preventive measures focused on providing CT 155 Hawk pilots with a technical solution to enhance their ability to identify conflicting aircraft.
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