The Cold War ends and the campaign against terrorism begins (1989-present) - part 4


Col Chris Hadfield speaks about the space program in 2002.

In 1995, retired Air Force fighter pilot Colonel Chris Hadfield became one of only eight Canadians to fly in space. Six years later he became the first Canadian to walk in space and, in 2013, he became the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station.

Cpl Normand Levasseur checks an AIM 9 missile in Aviano.

Back to battle!

Operation Echo began in June 1998 when Canada sent CF-18 Hornet fighters and Air Force personnel to Aviano, Italy, to help enforce a no-fly zone in the Balkan region in support of the NATO Stabilization Force (SFOR) and Kosovo Force (KFOR). The mission culminated in a 79-day NATO-led air campaign in the Kosovo region.

Canadian pilots flew combat missions during the air campaign, which took place between March and June 1999. Operation Echo ended on December 21, 2000.

LAC Ted Bourdon, photographed in 1952, was a para-rescue specialist, which was the forerunner of today’s search and rescue technician.

Over the years, thousands of people have been relieved and gladdened to see the bright orange flight suits of the Royal Canadian Air Force's (RCAF) search and rescue (SAR) technicians. They are the most visible members of dedicated SAR teams that include groundcrew and aircrew who bravely rescue those in danger and distress across our vast nation.

SAR techs are skilled in a wide range of capabilities. They are trained to the national paramedic standard with additional advanced skills, and are also trained in parachuting, Arctic rescue, diving, mountain climbing, helicopter rescue and more.

The Canadian Armed Forces has the primary responsibility for aero-nautical SAR, while the military and the Canadian Coast Guard share primary responsibility for maritime SAR. The provinces and territories have legal authority for ground SAR and delegate that authority to their police services for operational response.

That others may live.

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