The Royal Canadian Air Force Journal Submission Requirements
The Royal Canadian Air Force Journal welcomes the submission of articles, book reviews and shorter pieces (which will be published in the Letters to the Editor, Points of Interest, Pushing the Envelope and Point/Counterpoint sections) that cover the scope of air-force doctrine, training, leadership, lessons learned and air-force operations: past, present or future. Submissions on related subjects such as ethics, technology and air-force history are also invited.
· Submissions may be made in either official language.
· Authors must include a brief (one paragraph) biographical sketch which includes current appointment/position, telephone number and email address. Please include all professional and academic designations as well as military decorations.
· Selected articles that have been peer reviewed have a CFAWC crest to the left of the title.
· The Senior Editor will notify contributors on the status of their submission. It may not be possible to publish all submissions.
· All text submissions must be digital, in Microsoft Word or rich text format. Files must not be password protected and must not contain macros. Files may be submitted by mail or email at the addresses provided below.
· All supporting tables, images and figures that accompany the text should be sent in separate files in the original file format (i.e., not imbedded in the text). Original vector files are preferred; high resolution (not less than 300 dpi) .psd or .jpg files may be submitted.
· Authors are now required to provide “alternate text” with detailed description for all figures. The alternate text is to be labelled as such and placed below the caption.
· Copyright permissions are required for all material that is not Department of National Defence or author originated. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain and submit the necessary written permissions which must include the author’s/artist’s name as well as the publisher’s name and location. Any material not meeting these requirements may be omitted from the article.
· The Senior Editor may select images or have graphics created to accompany submissions.
· Authors should use Oxford English or Petit Robert spelling. When required, reference notes should be endnotes rather than footnotes and formatted in Chicago style. For assistance refer to The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition, Le guide du rédacteur or CFAWC Production Section at
· Acronyms and abbreviations should be used sparingly:
o If they are required in the text, the term is to be written out in full the first time it is used and then followed by the abbreviated form in parentheses.
o A list of all abbreviations (and their terms) used in the text will be included at the end of each submission.
· The Senior Editor reserves the right to edit submissions for style, grammar and length but will not make editorial changes that will affect the integrity of the argument without consulting the author.
Item | Word Limit (Exclusive of endnotes) |
Details |
Letter to the Editor | 50–250 | Commentary on any portion of a previous Journal. |
Article | 3000–5000 | Written in academic style. |
Book Review | 500–1000 | Written in academic style and must include:
Point of Interest | 250–1000 | Information on any topic (including operations, exercises and anniversaries) that is of interest to the broader aerospace audience. |
Pushing the Envelope | 250–2000 | Forum for commentary, opinions and rebuttal on Journal articles and/or issues that are of interest to the broader aerospace audience. |
Point/ Counterpoint |
1500–2000 | Forum to permit a specific issue of interest to the RCAF to be examined from two contrasting points of view. |
RCAF Aerospace Warfare Centre
8 Wing Trenton
Box 1000 Stn Forces
Astra, ON
K0K 3W0
Attn: LCol Paul Johnston
Opinions expressed in the Journal remain those of the author and do not represent Departmental or Canadian Forces policy. Doctrine, training and other material published in the Journal does not represent authority for action on that particular topic. All published material remains copyright of the Department of National Defence and may not be used without written permission.
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