Operational Test and Evaluation Project Officer Course

The aim of the Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) Project Officer Course is to provide OT&E Project Officers with the knowledge and skills to effectively and efficiently estimate, plan, conduct and report on OT&E projects.

Participants are involved in a number of practical exercises during the course in order to gain a deeper understanding of the OT&E process from the project estimate through to the production of the final report.

The major areas to be covered in the course are:

Instruction will be a combination of lectures, demonstrations, discussions, and practical exercises. Upon successful completion of this course, the trainee shall receive the qualification of Operational Test and Evaluation Project Officer.

The OT&E Project Officer course is 14 training days in length and is conducted two times per year.

Course capacity is 20 students per serial. Preferred minimum rank is Captain who should be at least on his/her second tour.

In order to be selected for this training, the trainee shall:

The OT&E course is conducted by the Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Studies at 17 Wing, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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