Formation CWO (Reserve) CADTC

CWO B.H.J Gardner, CD

CWO Bryan Gardner was born just outside of Victoria British Columbia in a rural area of Victoria called Metchosin. He graduated high school in Victoria and holds a diploma in Pacific Rim Studies from Langara College as well as a Bachelor of General Studies from the University of the Fraser Valley.

In 1992 CWO Gardner joined the Primary Reserve with the Canadian Scottish Regiment (A Coy) and completed QL2/3 at the PPCLI Battle School in Wainwright, Alberta. He then completed a basic machine gun course and the assault pioneer course and served in the pioneer platoon of the 10/90 battalion with 3 PPCLI. In 1995, CWO Gardner took his Infantry Section Commanders Course and was promoted to Master Corporal shortly thereafter. In 1996, CWO Gardner moved to Vancouver to attend college and joined the Royal Westminster Regiment as a section 2IC.

CWO Gardner, freshly promoted to sergeant in 1998, deployed to the Golan Heights between Syria and Israel as an Operations NCO in 1999. Shortly after in 2002, CWO Gardner commanded a section of Westies in Bosnia as part of the Composite Reserve Infantry Company with NATO.

CWO Gardner has also taken part in four domestic operations. These include the snowstorms in Victoria 1996 where he was a Detachment Commander, the G8 summit in 2002 where he was a section commander, the forest fires in Chase BC in 2003, where he ended up as a Platoon Commander and recently, in 2019 as the Sergeant Major for the Land Component of Operation Laser in British Columbia.

In 2004 CWO Gardner was hired by the RCMP and therefore had to resign from the Army Reserve. However in 2007, RCMP policy was changed and CWO Gardner quickly rejoined as a private soldier with the Rocky Mountain Rangers as he had been posted to Vernon BC with the Mounties. As CWO Gardner lived in Vernon, he was attach posted to the British Columbia Dragoons in that location. Within months of re-joining, CWO Gardner was promoted from Private to Sergeant and soon thereafter to Warrant Officer.

In 2009, CWO Gardner was posted to Surrey BC with the RCMP, and rejoined The Royal Westminster Regiment. There he, moved from Company Sergeant Major of A Company, CSM Admin Company, Quartermaster Sergeant Instructor (QMSI), and finally the Regimental Sergeant Major for The Royal Westminster Regiment.

In 2018, CWO Gardner was privileged to be appointed as the Brigade Sergeant Major of 39 CBG. In 2020 he was appointed to the position of Deputy Division Sergeant Major of 3rd Canadian. And in November of 2022 he was appointed to his current position as the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre Reserve Advisor Sergeant Major.

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