Author Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in our publication.

Peer Review
Categories for Submissions
Author’s Checklist
Writing Standards for Submission


Peer Review

CAJ is a double-blind peer-reviewed professional journal. Following an internal review, all feature articles (if approved for the next stage) are reviewed anonymously by two external evaluators / subject matter experts. The feedback and recommendations regarding the suitability of a manuscript for publication in CAJ are submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, who will contact the author with the final decision on the manuscript and/or offer recommendations for changes to make the article publishable.

The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to make editorial changes in style or wording if they do not affect the intent or content of the manuscript.

The Commander Canadian Army has delegated the authority to approve manuscripts for publication in CAJ to the Editor-in-Chief. Therefore, serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces and civilian employees of the Department of National Defence are not required to obtain prior clearance from their chain of command when submitting an article to CAJ.

Categories for Submissions

When submitting your manuscript, please identify which of our four categories you believe the article is most appropriate for:

Feature Articles

Feature articles in CAJ are normally between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length (including endnotes). Articles should be an expression of mature professional thought and/or informed debate on the art and science of land warfare; the dissemination and discussion of doctrinal and training concepts; or other related ideas, concepts and opinions. 

Note to File

The “Note to File” section contains short articles between 1,500 and 2,500 words in length (including endnotes). Images, graphics or maps may be included as appropriate but are not required.

Army Biographies

The “Army Biographies” section is intended to highlight the life and times of unique Canadian soldiers. Articles may be a summary of an individual’s lifelong contribution, such as that of Major-General Sir Samuel Steele, or focus on an individual’s unique achievement, such as that of Private Leo Major, DCM and Bar. Clearly, the individual’s rank is not as important as their deeds or the contribution they made to the Canadian Armed Forces. Articles should be a maximum of 2,000 words in length and include a photograph of the subject and at least three high-quality (300 dpi) images (photos or maps) with captions, credits/source, and permissions as applicable, to be included in the publication.

Book Reviews

Reviews should be in Word format with no special characters or symbols. They should be 1,000 to 1,200 words in length (including any endnotes). All reviews must use the following title layout:

            TITLE OF THE BOOK
            AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, Place of Publications, Name of the Publisher, Year, Total Pages, Cost
            ISBN of the Book

            FOWLER, WILL, Oxford, Osprey Publishing, 2010, 64 pages, $22.00
            ISBN: 978-1-84603-848-8

Practices to follow for book reviews:

Author’s Checklist

To ensure that there are as few delays as possible in bringing your submission to print, we ask you to review the following checklist and ensure that all of the required information is included when you send us your work.

Writing Standards for Submission

All articles commissioned by CAJ are considered works for hire and as such are copyrighted by CAJ. CAJ in turn grants authors the right to re-publish their articles in other publications after they have appeared in CAJ, provided that proper acknowledgement is given to CAJ as the original publisher. 



All submissions may be sent directly to


[1] Post-nominals will be displayed in accordance with Canadian Forces Honours Policy Manual, ch. 7.

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