Tactical Decision Games

Welcome to the Canadian Army Journal’s tactical decision game section.

Tactical decision games (TDG) are abbreviated tactical exercises without troops designed to present the reader with a challenging tactical scenario without full information. They are meant to be executed within a limited time frame, with few resources, and to be focused on the delivery of a solution to the tactical problem as opposed to an estimate of the situation. TDGs are intended as a flexible and effective training aid that will help soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers with their analytical and intuitive decision-making skills.

There are few rules for engaging with TDGs—you can make it up as you go, challenge one another or even use history or science fiction to arrive at a solution. You can use a whiteboard, terrain model or actual terrain; the only limit is your imagination.

Coordinated by Lieutenant-Colonel Matthew Rolls, this recurring online series will provide a resource for military trainers, motivated self-learners and interested tacticians to better understand the military art, tactical decision making and the role the commander plays in battle. CAJ readers are invited to try our TDGs, submit answers for critique, and suggest future ideas/scenarios for the series.

For more information, contact us at thearmyjournal@forces.gc.ca.

Previous TDG Scenarios

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