2018-19 Departmental Plan
Gender-based analysis plus
Governance structures
In 2018-19, ACOA will continue to update and promote its Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) framework across the Agency. ACOA has a comprehensive strategy to implement GBA+. This includes a Needs-Assessment Plan, a GBA+ Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, Terms of Reference for a GBA+ Working Group, Literature Review on best practices, and a GBA+ Analysis of Atlantic Canada’s Economy.
ACOA has made a corporate commitment to apply and monitor GBA+. The Agency has a GBA+ responsibility centre that leads, supports and monitors GBA+ implementation, and serves as a point of liaison with the broader Government of Canada GBA+ network. In addition, ACOA has an intra-agency GBA+ working group, a GBA+ champion, and tools and resources to assist employees in applying GBA+ in their work.
ACOA’s program evaluations reflect GBA+ considerations, including in the scope of each evaluation project, the design and implementation of data collection methods, and the synthesis of findings.
A GBA+ awareness campaign is underway to promote how ACOA’s activities can impact diverse groups. The Agency will continue with this campaign.
Human Resources
Not applicable.
No full-time equivalents (FTEs) will be dedicated to implementing GBA+ in the Agency in 2018-19.
The Agency has several FTEs assigned to work on GBA+ when needed (for example, evaluations). One director-level champion has been assigned to GBA+. A six-member GBA+ working group meets regularly. Its members represent different teams within the Agency (such as Policy, Programs, Evaluation and Communications).
Planned Initiatives
In 2018-19, ACOA will continue to update and promote its GBA+ framework across the Agency, including tools and analysis for all aspects of the Agency’s work.
ACOA will continue its awareness campaign, leading discussions and organizing activities to increase awareness of GBA+ and how to implement this analytical tool into ACOA’s work environment.
ACOA will continue to request, collect and analyze data by gender and other demographic groups in Atlantic Canada, when it’s possible and reasonable to do so. These additional data help strengthen analysis and decision making.
ACOA’s program evaluations will continue to reflect GBA+ considerations. For example, the Community Investment (CI) evaluation will include the extent to which CI programming is sensitive to the needs of diverse groups of men and women in communities in Atlantic Canada. Data collection methods will ensure that various dimensions are identified and catalogued, for example in questionnaires, surveys and case studies. Analysis and reporting will examine and note any differences in trends and perspectives among groups of program stakeholders. Where data exists, the evaluation report will describe if and how diverse client groups experience different outcomes. Recommendations will state how the program could be improved to address any GBA+ inequities.
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