2018-19 Departmental Plan
Disclosure of transfer payment programs under $5 million

Atlantic Policy Research Initiative – Voted

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through Estimates

Link to department’s program inventory: Policy Research and Engagement

Main objective: The Atlantic Policy Research Initiative is the primary funding instrument through which ACOA supports policy research.

Planned spending in 2018-19: $600,000

Fiscal year of the last completed evaluation: 2014-15

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: not applicable

General targeted recipient groups:


Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation portfolio

End date: March 31, 2018

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through Estimates

Link to department’s program inventory: Diversified Communities; Research and Development, and Commercialization; Innovation Ecosystem; Business Growth; Trade and Investment

Main objective: To ensure final payouts of contribution agreements previously approved by the former Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) to promote and coordinate economic development throughout Cape Breton Island and a portion of mainland Nova Scotia in and around the town of Mulgrave.

ECBC was dissolved on June 19, 2014. All new community economic development activities will be continued through ACOA’s regular programming.

Planned spending in 2018-19: $20,000

Fiscal year of the last completed evaluation: not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: not applicable

General targeted recipient groups:

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