New Green Energy System for McAdam Railway Station

News release

MP Jenica Atwin poses for a photo with representatives from the McAdam Railway
Left to right: MP Atwin, Minister Bockus, Elsie Carroll, President MHRC, Frank Carroll, Treasurer MHRC, and Mayor Stannix

August 25, 2023 · McAdam, New Brunswick · Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Rural communities play an important role in building a strong, sustainable future for all Canadians. The Government of Canada is helping local organizations seize new opportunities for economic growth and development to improve climate resilience and transition to a greener economy.

Today, Jenica Atwin, Member of Parliament for Fredericton, announced an investment of $750,000 through ACOA’s Innovative Communities Fund (ICF) for the McAdam Historical Restoration Commission (MHRC). The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA.

The Honourable Kathy Bockus, Minister of Seniors and MLA for Saint Croix, also announced a contribution of $350,000 on behalf of the Province of New Brunswick.

The project will support the installation of a new geothermal green energy system at the McAdam Railway Station, reducing the organization’s electricity costs by at least 50 per cent.  The savings will allow the McAdam Railway Station to extend its tourism season from four to eight months. As a major tourism operator, a longer season means increased opportunities for local businesses as well as economic growth for the region.

In March, the Public Policy Forum published a report that confirms that Atlantic Canada’s economy is bustling and the region is poised for exponential growth. Today’s announcement highlights how the Government of Canada is contributing to this momentum – strengthening our communities, creating new opportunities, and setting the stage for a strong, sustainable future. It also demonstrates the Government of Canada’s commitment to taking action on climate change.


Green energy projects like this one with the McAdam Railway Station aren’t just good for our climate – they’re good for our economy. The Government of Canada will always help rural communities and organizations get on track for a more resilient, sustainable and affordable future.”

The Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA

“I am so pleased that our government, through ACOA, is supporting green projects like the MHRC’s railway station, that strengthen a significant tourism attraction, empower healthier communities and contribute to a strong economy in a rural area.”

Jenica Atwin, Member of Parliament for Fredericton

“The McAdam Railway Station is the hub of the community of McAdam and a beloved attraction for residents, and visitors to and from the province. With this investment, the McAdam Historical Restoration Committee will be able to install geothermal heating, extend the season, increase visitation and contribute to the local economy.”

The Honourable Kathy Bockus, Minister of Seniors and MLA for Saint Croix

Funding being made available by the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick will make it possible for the McAdam Railway Station to install geothermal heating and cooling to meet the current and future needs of this treasured icon in our community. This initiative ensures a healthy environment and a viable economy that will thrive in a low-carbon world due to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Not only are the objectives of this project a priority of governments at all levels, but likewise for our organization. Estimates of our annual electricity costs of this treasured provincial and national historic site are anticipated to be reduced by 50 per cent.”

Elsie Carroll, President, McAdam Historical Restoration Commission

Quick facts

  • The McAdam Historical Restoration Commission Inc. (MHRC) is a non-profit organization whose mandate is to restore the McAdam Railway Station and to preserve the region's rich railroading history.

  • The MHRC is comprised of approximately 25 volunteer directors who represent a variety of interests, businesses, and organizations.  

  • Funding for this project is provided through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency’s Innovative Communities Fund (ICF). The ICF supports projects that build the economies of communities in Atlantic Canada. Through the ICF, ACOA works with communities to find opportunities for growth.  

  • The provincial funding is provided through the Regional Development Corporation.

Associated links


Hugo Alvarez
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Rural Economic Development

Ann Kenney
Senior Communications Officer
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Mary-Anne Hurley-Corbyn
Regional Development Corporation

Elsie Carroll
McAdam Historical Restoration Commission Inc. (MHRC)

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