2010 client satisfaction survey
Excellent client service is all about understanding your clients and most importantly, listening to them. As part of the Government of Canada's Citizen-focused Service approach to service quality, federal organizations such as ACOA must understand and respond to citizens'/clients' needs and expectations.
To help ensure ongoing improvement in service delivery, a client satisfaction survey was conducted on ACOA’s behalf to measure satisfaction in three key areas:
- the accessibility of Agency services;
- service delivery features and processes;
- and, service-related communication.
The survey also looked to gather client views on potential for improvement in all of the above.
The majority (91.6%) of ACOA clients who responded in the survey indicated strong satisfaction with Agency services (up from 84% in 2007) – and 95% said they would use ACOA services again. Agency clients indicated a higher level of satisfaction than in 2007 on questions relating to ACOA personnel such as:
- Was it easy to contact ACOA personnel? (92.2% satisfied, up 1%)
- Did staff go the extra mile to help you get what you needed? (86.5% satisfied, up 8%)
- Were ACOA personnel knowledgeable (91.6% satisfied, up 3.8%)
And when it comes to other aspects of service delivery, the trend in satisfaction was also rising:
- Did you get what you needed from ACOA? (86.6% satisfied, up 9.6%)
- Was it easy to find information on the ACOA website? (77.7% satisfied, up 8.1%)
- How satisfied were you with the service received? (91.6 % satisfied, up 7.6%
- Was the application process fair? (84.8% satisfied, up 4.7%)
When it came to identifying potential improvements in Agency service delivery, clients indicated three items on their wish list:
- shorter turnaround times for processing applications;
- being kept better informed on their project application status;
- and, easier access to ACOA services.
They also suggested there was room for improvement around the Agency’s automated phone systems, ensuring the privacy of information, and service-related information on the official Agency website.
Click here to read the executive summary of the 2010 ACOA Client Satisfaction Survey Report
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