About the GCWCC 2024 Awards

Nominations are now closed for 2024 Chair's Cup Awards

About the awards

The Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC) Chair's Cup Awards recognize and celebrate the achievements and generosity of Campaign teams and volunteers.

Individuals and teams can also be nominated for a special recognition as Unsung Heroes.

2024 Chair's Cup Award Categories and Selection Criteria

There are 5 categories for the Chair's Cup award. Learn more about the selection criteria and complete the form on the pages below:

  1. GCWCC Chair’s Cup Awards Form
    • Large Organizations Cup (1,000 employees or more)
    • Small Organizations Cup (999 employees or less)
    • Regional Cup
  2. GCWCC Chair’s Youth Cup Awards Nomination Form
  3. Robert Morin Long Service Award – Given on an exceptional basis

Frequently asked questions

How can I nominate my department for a Chair's Cup Award?

Deputy Heads or campaign leads with their Deputy Head's endorsement can nominate their campaign teams. Departments should also include the name of their local manager, to provide additional information about their departmental campaigns (if required).

In addition, teams and individuals can submit the names of their campaign teams or individual names of their volunteers for a special recognition certificate.

What is the Robert Morin Award?

This award is named after Robert Morin, a retired public servant and former long-standing member of the GCWCC Cabinet. He is a former volunteer and Champion for the GCWCC retirees’ campaign. Robert dedicated more than 20 years to the Campaign by championing, raising awareness and donations for the campaign.

This award will be given to a volunteer who has dedicated more than 10 years to the GCWCC.

What is the selection criteria for a Chair's Youth Cup*?

To be nominated for this award, teams and individual must have:

  • Dedicated time and effort to the GCWCC (for example, through funds raised, volunteering, raising awareness, etc.).
  • Brought together young and new professionals through collaboration and a shared purpose to promote the Campaign.
  • Demonstrated innovation and creativity in efforts in support of Campaign 2024.
  • Shown commitment shown to the Campaign through involvement (support can be new during Campaign 2024, or span more than one campaign year)

*open to employees with 5 years of service or less.

Can local managers (United Way Centraide) nominate departments for an award?

No. Only Deputy Heads or Champions/leaders can nominate their teams, (with endorsement from their Deputy Heads). Local managers will be consulted on the submissions.

How will winners be selected for the Chair's Cup Award?

A committee comprised of the National Chair's Office and the campaign administrator, with input from the respective local manager, will evaluate all submissions and select the winning nominations. Members of the 2024 GCWCC Cabinet will endorse the selections made by the Nominations Committee for each of the Chair's Cup award categories.

How will winners be notified if they win an award?

In late January, departmental teams will be notified by email if they are selected for a Chair's Cup Award. All awards will be handed out to recipients during the GCWCC Awards, Recognition and Closing ceremony on February 13, 2025, from 1 to 2 p.m. (ET).

Will there be an award ceremony this year?

Yes. A hybrid award ceremony will take place on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Visit the GCWCC events page for more information.

Recognizing and Celebrating Unsung Heroes

Countless volunteers support the campaign year after year. They give their time and their talents to make a difference in their community and to give hope and dignity to those who need it most.

If you know an individual or team who has gone above and beyond or made an impactful contribution to meet your campaign's goals, submit their name for a recognition. The nominees in this category will receive a personalized recognition certificate.

Use this online submission form to detail how your team or colleague has fostered a culture of generosity in the federal public service or demonstrated support for the GCWCC by making a difference in local communities.

Contact us

For additional questions, please contact us at  presidentCCMTGC2024-chair2024GCWCC@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca.

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