Funding for Great Lakes protection

The application submission period for funding under the Great Lakes Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative is now closed. Please contact us by email at for more information.

The Great Lakes Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative

The goal of the Great Lakes Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative (FEI) is to target the most significant environmental challenges affecting Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health by delivering on Canada’s commitments under the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA). The Initiative focuses on the following priority areas for action:

To assist in achieving this goal, the Great Lakes FEI supports action by others to:

Note: The Great Lakes FEI includes dedicated funding to enhance First Nations and Métis capacity to implement on-the-ground actions that restore and protect Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health, conduct science and monitoring that informs decision making, and participate in Great Lakes governance. Discussions are underway with First Nation and Métis partners regarding distinctions-based approaches to develop and deliver programming that supports Indigenous inclusion in Great Lakes protection. For more information, contact us by email at

Application guides for funding streams

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