Backgrounder: Investing in Official Languages in Alberta


EDMONTON, March 6, 2024

News release: Investing in Official Languages in Alberta

The Government of Canada is announcing investments of nearly $5 million to support official-language minority communities across Alberta. These funds are allocated through various components of the Official Languages Support Programs that aim to foster the vitality of Francophone and Anglophone minority communities and promote English and French in Canadian society. Almost all organizations in the province that received base funding from the programs in 2022–2023 have received an increase this year. Some have also obtained funding for their projects or activities.

City Organization Project Funding
Appreciation and rapprochement — Promotion of Linguistic Duality
Edmonton Canadian Parents for French, Alberta/NWT Branch Base funding 2023–2024 $326,813
Cooperation with the Community Sector — Development of Official Language Communities Program
Brooks Association francophone de Brooks Cafés des femmes francophones pour la revitalisation de la communauté $15,254
Calgary Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Calgary 2023–2024 programming $216,000
Calgary Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Calgary Forum and community activities – Francophonie de Cochrane, Alberta $12,000
Canmore Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Canmore/Banff 2023–2024 programming $73,125
Calgary Société la Cité des Rocheuses (Société du centre scolaire communautaire de Calgary) 2023–2024 programming $60,000
Calgary Portail de l’Immigrant Association Free time project $39,000
Edmonton Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Edmonton 2023–2024 programming $160,650
Edmonton Association la Girandole d’Edmonton 2023–2024 programming $114,750
Edmonton Association la Girandole d’Edmonton Dance camp during the summer break $7,250
Edmonton Association franco-albertaine de l’UniThéâtre 2023–2024 programming $129,375
Edmonton Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta 2023–2024 programming $67,500
Edmonton Fédération des ainés franco-albertains 2023–2024 programming $74,250
Edmonton Fédération du sport francophone de l’Alberta 2023–2024 programming $185,625
Edmonton Fédération du sport francophone de l’Alberta Découvrez les athlètes d’ICI $20,000
Edmonton Francophone jeunesse de l’Alberta Jeunesse leaders : la francophonie de demain $31,110
Edmonton Pont cultural Bridge 2023–2024 programming $73,125
Edmonton Société francophone des arts visuels de l’Alberta 2023–2024 programming $109,350
Edmonton Société historique francophone de l’Alberta 2023–2024 programming $60,000
Edmonton Société de la radio communautaire du Grand Edmonton Rebuilding radio as Radio Communautaire with support from the community and expand listeners $39,800
Grande Prairie Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Grande Prairie Je te raconte la grande histoire de la Grande Prairie $20,000
Jasper Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Jasper 2023–2024 programming $78,750
Legal Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Centralta 2023–2024 programming $78,750
Lethbridge Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Lethbridge 2023–2024 programming $114,750
Plamondon Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Plamondon / Lac la Biche 2023–2024 programming $67,500
Rivière-la-Paix Société CKRP Radio Rivière-la-Paix D’où vient tout ce beau monde? Nos ainés racontent leurs origines $55,000
Rivière-la-Paix Société CKRP Radio Rivière-la-Paix Cultivez l’avenir: radio capsules highlighting innovation in northern agriculture $25,000
Rivière-la-Paix Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Rivière-la-Paix 2023–2024 programming $101,250
Community Cultural Action Fund — Development of Official Language Communities
Edmonton Alliance jeunesse famille de l’Alberta Society Les cuisines collectives et culturelles $12,500
Edmonton Guy Lacombe Institute of the Family L’artiste en moi $22,046
Edmonton Pont cultural Bridge Danse sociale en communauté $20,000
Plamondon Club de la radio communautaire de Plamondon-Lac la Biche Inclusivité franco rurale $30,000
Rivière-la-Paix Société CKRP Radio Rivière-la-Paix À la rencontre des gens d’ici - Accents Nord-Ouest 2023–2024 programming $26,000
Community Spaces Fund
Calgary Société de la petite enfance et de la famille du Sud de l’Alberta Renovation of the Centre d’appui familial $86,405
Calgary Société la Cité des Rocheuses Upgrading of the theatre at the Cité des Rocheuses in Calgary – Phase 2 $32,500
Legal Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta – Centralta Replacement of 7 heating/air conditioning/air filtration systems for the community centre in Legal $131,373
Complementary funds
Edmonton Government of Alberta Identity-building facilitators for schools in the Conseil scolaire FrancoSud $289,500
Edmonton Government of Alberta Business training for Francophones and newcomers at Campus Saint-Jean $427,000
Strategic funds
Edmonton Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta Summit on postsecondary education and promotional campaigns $110,000
Community educational infrastructure
Edmonton Government of Alberta Create efficient spaces at Campus Saint-Jean $1,478,669


For more information (media only), please contact:

Mathis Denis
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage

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