Statement by Minister Khera on Sikh Heritage Month


OTTAWA, April 1, 2024

Today marks the beginning of Sikh Heritage Month, a month-long celebration highlighting the many contributions that Sikh communities have made to Canada.

Canada has one of the largest Sikh diasporas in the world, with over 750,000 Sikhs calling Canada home. The Sikhs first arrived in 1906 and have been making incredible contributions to our communities and our country ever since.

Sikh Heritage Month is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the history, culture and traditions of Sikh communities in Canada, which are grounded in the values of service and compassion. It is also the time to highlight the countless achievements of Sikh people, whether in politics, business, the arts, medicine or education.

Sikhism is the fifth most practised religion in the world. Its founder, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, is renowned for sharing values of equality, humanity and unity throughout his life.

On April 13, Sikh communities in Canada and around the world will celebrate Vaisakhi, which commemorates the founding of Sikhism and honours the teachings and spiritual legacy of the ten Gurus and the Holy Book Guru Granth Sahib Ji, which continues to inspire millions of people around the world.

With this in mind, we are committed to continuing to break down the systemic barriers faced by Sikhs and all racialized people in Canada. We are achieving this by putting forward Canada’s first ever Anti-Racism Strategy and Canada’s first Action Plan on Hate. We will continue to work towards building a more inclusive Canada for everyone.

During this Sikh Heritage Month, let’s remember that our diversity is our strength, and our strength lies in our unity.

Happy Sikh Heritage Month!


For more information (media only), please contact:

Laurent de Casanove
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage

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