Transcript of Twist 1.5 (youth version)
[Canadian Heritage signature]
Narrator: "This capsule is presented by Canadian Heritage."
[The sculpture Twist 1.5]
Narrator: "Why do you think there is a giant piece of art in the middle of this park?
Well, the idea behind public art is that it is art created for everyone to enjoy when they are out and about. That way, you don’t have to go looking for art—the art finds you!
This piece is called Twist 1.5, and it was actually built right here in Major’s Hill Park.”
[The two sculptors working on the artwork]
Narrator: "During the summer of 1978, two artists named Alex Wyse and Ken Guild spent five weeks creating this sculpture outside in the park, instead of indoors at a studio.”
[Various shots of the sculpture]
Narrator: "Making the sculpture outside gave everyone a chance to see how a work of art is made. People could watch it being created and taking shape… bit by bit.
People walking by would stop to watch the artists at work.
They’d even ask them questions about what they were doing.
Can you picture Twist 1.5 being built, one piece at a time?
The sculpture is made of wood—the wood of a Douglas fir tree from British Columbia, to be exact.
You can touch it, if you like. Just be gentle!
Walk around the sculpture and take a look at its shape.
How would you describe it?
The artists called it a “wooden, spiral, wind-vane thing.”
They chose a spiral because that shape is often found in nature.
If you were asked to make a piece of public art for everyone to enjoy, what would you create?”
[Canada wordmark]