ReBOOT Intramurals - Physical Health and Education Canada


ReBOOT Intramurals was an innovation program implemented by Physical Health and Education Canada (PHE Canada) that targeted youth with low physical activity and sport participation in schools, with a particular focus on young women and girls. Rooted in principles related to equity, inclusion, and the right to play, this initiative aimed to increase their participation in quality sport and physical activity by giving them voice in the design and implementation of a physical activity program. The program was implemented in four high schools in Ottawa, Ontario, with the target population being girls between the ages of 12 and 17 with 483 girls participating in this program in total.


Results of the ReBOOT intramurals found that it caused:


“The initiative has allowed us to increase the number of activities we offer and expand on the types of activities we offer so that more non or low-participating students had the opportunity to participate in fun physical activities on a more regular basis. The students had a great time trying these new activities and we hope to keep it going next year!”

ReBOOT Teacher Champion and Physical Education Teacher

“I had a great experience, organizing all these events and seeing a change in girls and their physical activity.”

ReBOOT Grade 9 Participant

Additional Information

More information about the ReBOOT Intramurals program is available on the PHE Canada website.

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