Agreement resolves competition concerns in Quebec gasoline supply deal

News Release

June 21, 2016 — OTTAWA, ON — Competition Bureau

An agreement has been reached to address competition concerns related to Harnois Groupe pétrolier’s proposed acquisition of Distributions pétrolières Therrien Inc.’s gasoline supply arrangements.

The consent agreement between the Competition Bureau and the parties requires Harnois to sell off a retail station or a distribution contract in Lac‑Mégantic, Quebec, and removes Harnois’ ability to influence gasoline retail prices in Coaticook, Quebec.

The Bureau concluded that without the remedy included in the consent agreement, Harnois would have the ability to raise retail prices at its corporate stations in Lac-Mégantic. In addition, it would have the ability to raise wholesale prices at the dealer stations it supplies (thereby influencing the retail price) in Lac-Mégantic and Coaticook.

Quick Facts

  • Harnois Groupe pétrolier is a private company involved in the wholesale and retail sale of petroleum products in Quebec, Labrador, New Brunswick and Ontario. Distributions pétrolières Therrien is a private company involved in the wholesale of Esso-branded gasoline and diesel to retail stations in Quebec.
  • The proposed transaction would see Harnois acquire substantially all the assets used in the operations of Distributions pétrolières Therrien.

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