Major Rodent Pests
Common name
Brown or Norway rat
Omnivorous, 30–45 cm long, brown with light grey belly, blunt nose, short thick ears.
Latin name
Rattus norvegicus
Common name
Black or roof rat
Omnivorous, approximately 42 cm long, black or brown-grey with lighter belly, pointed nose, thin large ears.
Latin name
Rattus rattus
Common name
House mouse
Omnivorous, preferring grains, approximately 17.5 cm long, brownish grey with grey belly, pointed nose, large ears.
Latin name
Mus musculus
Common name
Deer mouse
Prefers seeds and insects, 15–20 cm long, brown with white belly and white on the underside of tail, large protuberant eyes, large round ears. May overwinter in buildings. Main concern is its link to the hantavirus, a health hazard, transmitted through faecal material and saliva.
Latin name
Peromyscus maniculatus
CCI Technical Bulletin Nº 29.
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