Canadian Conservation Institute Visiting Professionals Program

The Visiting Professionals Program allows mid-career conservators and conservation scientists in Canada to collaborate with staff from the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) on specific projects.

Support provided by the program

The Visiting Professionals Program provides an opportunity for professional thought exchange. It is intended to help professionals answer specific conservation questions; it is not intended to provide treatment facilities, laboratory space or the use of equipment to conduct regular business.

Benefits to participants may include:

  • access to tools or equipment that are unique to CCI;
  • short-term training on specific conservation techniques, which includes hands-on practice; and
  • knowledge-sharing with CCI staff through collaboration on research projects, the development of treatment protocols, the application of specialized treatment techniques or the design of conservation training.


All practising mid-career conservators and conservations scientists in Canada are eligible to apply.


This program is unfunded. There is no salary, and travel and living expenses must be covered by the applicant.

Application deadlines

There are no application deadlines. Requests may be submitted at any time and are processed and reviewed as they are received. However, requests should be submitted at least six months in advance of the proposed starting date.

Review procedures and selection criteria

Projects are selected on a case-by-case basis according to the following criteria:

  • the nature and feasibility of the proposed project,
  • the availability of CCI equipment and other resources required for the project and
  • the availability of the necessary CCI staff.

How to apply

Requests should be sent to CCI's Learning and Development Officer (address below) by mail or email and should include:

  • a curriculum vitae,
  • a description of the proposed project along with a work plan and
  • a cover letter describing how the applicant will benefit from time at CCI.

For more information about the Visiting Professionals Program, please contact:

Learning and Development Officer
1030 Innes Road
Ottawa ON  K1B 4S7
Tel.: 613-998-3721

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