Security Escorts

Commissioner's Directives

566-6: 566-6

In Effect: 2018-06-18

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To establish procedures for security escorts of inmates


Applies to staff involved in security escorts at all institutions, excluding Community Correctional Centres



  1. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Correctional Operations, will ensure that the policy and procedures pertaining to security escorts are implemented within all institutions.
  2. The Institutional Head will ensure that:
    1. measures are in place for the safe and secure conduct of security escorts
    2. a Security Assessment Review is performed by a Correctional Manager and a Security Intelligence Officer to determine if a Threat Risk Assessment (TRA) is required
    3. the outcome of all Security Assessment Reviews is documented in an Offender Management System (OMS) Memo to File following the authorization of the Deputy Warden.
  3. The Deputy Warden will:
    1. ensure Post Orders are established in accordance with the National Generic Post Orders
    2. authorize all recommendations occurring from Security Assessment Reviews
    3. ensure procedures are in place for the completion of new and updated TRAs as determined by Security Assessment Reviews.



  1. As part of Security Assessment Reviews, the Correctional Manager and the Security Intelligence Officer will consider the following elements to determine the TRA requirements:
    1. escape
    2. duty to warn
    3. gang affiliation
    4. specialized handling (e.g. current management plan)
    5. deportation.
  2. The minimum requirements listed below must be met for the security ground escorts of maximum and medium security inmates, inclusive of the driver:
    1. for vehicles equipped with a single compartment, two officers are required for the first inmate, and one additional officer for each additional inmate
    2. for vehicles equipped with multiple compartments, the number of officers required for the escort is based on the greatest number of inmates in a single compartment, and the ratio of two officers plus an additional one for each inmate applies. When there is no more than one inmate in any compartment, three officers will be deployed as this permits one officer to remain with the contained inmate(s) in the vehicle. Under normal operations, only one compartment at a time may be opened
    3. augmentation of the ratio will only be authorized by the Institutional Head
    4. at least one escorting officer will be of the same sex as the inmate being escorted
    5. for men inmates, all officers assigned to conduct security escorts will be armed. Any additional officers deployed as unarmed officers (e.g. air transport) are to be in addition to the previously determined number of armed officers
    6. for women inmates, when an armed escort is required, the escort will be conducted by at least one Primary Worker accompanied by an armed Correctional Officer or Police Officer.
  3. When an inmate is identified as requiring a new TRA for every escort, an OMS TRA Alert will be entered by the Security Intelligence Officer, who will also be responsible for deactivating this Alert once the Deputy Warden determines it is no longer required.
  4. The Security Intelligence Officer will provide an up-to-date list of inmates identified with the OMS TRA Alert for ease of reference to the Correctional Managers processing escorts.
  5. A Security Assessment Review will be undertaken on at least a yearly basis and/or if new security information has been identified that may impact on escorting requirements.
  6. The Correctional Manager will ensure that:
    1. all new inmates, on arrival to their institution, are identified for completion of a Security Assessment Review. For inmates that have not been security assessed, a TRA will be required for any escort
    2. a new TRA is completed for all escorts of inmates with an active TRA Alert and where any new security information has emerged
    3. an Escorted Temporary Absence/Work Release Permit is completed in OMS prior to the commencement of the escort
    4. an Officer in Charge is designated
    5. escorting officers are thoroughly briefed on the inmate(s) being escorted using the Escort Briefing form (CSC/SCC 0753)
    6. escorting officers are briefed that the supervision level applied for medium and maximum security inmates will be sight and sound
    7. escorting officers are provided a copy of the current TRA, where applicable
    8. only firearms and equipment approved in the Security Equipment Manual are issued, and for which the escorting officer has been trained
    9. a secure vehicle is used for all armed escorts
    10. when more than one escort team is involved in an escort, the sending institution provides the Escort Briefing form (CSC/SCC 0753) and a signed copy of the TRA, if applicable
    11. the appropriate dress of inmates under escort is determined
    12. escorting officers are in uniform, in accordance with Guidelines 351-1 – CSC Uniforms, Dress Code and Scale of Issue.
  7. The Officer in Charge of the escort will ensure that:
    1. they have possession of all documentation and files related to the inmate and escort
    2. all files are provided to the receiving staff member at the new institution or the Officer in Charge of the receiving escort team
    3. the escort vehicle has been inspected and searched by a Correctional Officer or Primary Worker
    4. all security equipment is verified before the beginning of the escort
    5. the inmate is searched pursuant to CD 566-7 – Searching of Offenders
    6. restraint equipment is checked by escorting officers on a regular basis during the escort to ensure it is not too tight or has not been tampered with
    7. when an inmate wearing restraint equipment is out of sight and sound of the escorting officers (e.g. operating room), the equipment is rechecked as soon as the inmate is again within sight and sound
    8. provincial traffic regulations are respected, including situations where escorting officers are in a separate vehicle from an inmate being escorted in an ambulance
    9. the escort is terminated and the inmate returned to the institution at any time for safety and security reasons providing that doing so would not jeopardize the life or well-being of the inmate or staff.
  8. The requirements for restraint equipment listed below must be met:
    1. at least two types of restraint equipment will be used for maximum security inmates with the following two exceptions:
      1. for high risk escorts where the rapid movement of the inmate may be necessary due to the external threats and where the application of leg irons could be an impediment
      2. pursuant to CD 567-3 – Use of Restraint Equipment for Security Purposes, an exemption can be granted for medical reasons, if deemed necessary, to conduct the escort
    2. at least one type of restraint equipment will be used for medium security inmates.
  9. When escorting a group of inmates with different security classifications, the inmate with the highest security classification will determine the security equipment required for all inmates involved in the escort.
  10. The following applies to pregnant inmates only:
    1. restraints should only be used as a last resort with pregnant inmates. If restraint equipment is used on a pregnant inmate, extreme caution will be exercised to ensure that both the woman and fetus are protected from injury (e.g. supported by staff on each side while walking)
    2. pregnant women will not be restrained during labour and delivery
    3. when pregnant women are being transported, body belts, if required, must be applied in such a way so as to ensure that no pressure is exerted on the woman’s stomach or torso.
  11. For emergencies or situations where the preservation of life is a key consideration, the departure of the ambulance will become the priority. Armed escort officers will be briefed by the Correctional Manager and be in possession of the Escort Briefing form (CSC/SCC 0753) and the TRA, if applicable.
  12. Staff members will not use privately-owned motor vehicles for security escorts except as authorized by the Institutional Head in emergencies when no other means of transportation is available.
  13. When inmates use washroom facilities while under escort:
    1. the facilities will be thoroughly searched by an escorting officer before allowing the inmate to enter
    2. only one inmate at a time will be permitted to use the washroom.

High Risk Escorts

  1. Where it is deemed through a TRA that the escort presents an elevated risk that includes an identified threat of an external attack, the use of the Emergency Response Team and police to perform the escort are required. The procedures to be followed will be in accordance with the high risk escort protocol identified in institutional contingency plans.

Medical Escorts

  1. When a medical escort involves the use of an air ambulance, the use of an armed escort must meet the requirements of the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 (Part 3 and Part 8) and the air ambulance provider’s policies respecting weapons and the number of persons on board the flight. If necessary, arrangements with local police will be made to take over the security escort until CSC armed staff can safely resume the escort.
  2. Where possible, a written agreement or protocol will be developed with the outside health care facility authorities as to their expectations with respect to procedures for maintaining and/or the removal of security equipment as well as the physical location of escort staff during medical procedures (e.g. operations).
  3. The following applies to medical escorts unless otherwise addressed in a written agreement or protocol with the outside health care facility:
    1. an escorting officer will ensure the examination room and surrounding areas are secure
    2. when an inmate is admitted to a hospital, the Officer in Charge of the escort will inform the Chief of Hospital Security and Nurse in Charge on the floor of:
      1. the name of the inmate
      2. the number of escorting officers on duty while the inmate is a patient
      3. all restraint equipment required
    3. when an inmate is taken to an operating room, the escorting officers will:
      1. remove the restraint equipment, if necessary, for the inmate to be placed on the stretcher and reapply it prior to transportation to the operating room
      2. accompany the inmate to the operating room
      3. remove the restraint equipment, if necessary, only after the inmate has been put under general anaesthesia
      4. normally exit the operating room and wait in a designated area until the operation is completed
    4. if, in the opinion of the attending Physician, the use of restraint equipment poses a danger to the inmate while recovering from a general anaesthesia, the escorting officers will remove the restraints and will remain in the recovery room with the inmate
    5. if, however, in the opinion of the Officer in Charge of the escort, the removal of restraint equipment would pose a risk to safety and security of any sort, they will advise the Physician of such and contact the Correctional Manager for guidance before removing any restraints.
  4. The Officer in Charge of the escort will inform the Correctional Manager in a timely manner of any changes to the status of the inmate and provide routine updates.
  5. The next of kin and/or the emergency contact will be notified by the Correctional Manager when:
    1. the inmate is taken to an outside health care facility for a life threatening matter
    2. there are significant changes to the status of the inmate.
  6. The Correctional Manager will brief the next of kin and/or emergency contact on what to expect when arriving at the outside health care facility in terms of the appearance and restraints of the inmate.

Intra or Inter-Regional Transfers

  1. For inter-regional and intra-regional chartered flights, the standard is one escorting officer to one inmate.
  2. Refer to CD 710-2 – Transfer of Inmates.

Transportation by Air

  1. Refer to GL 710-2-2 – Inter-Regional Transfers by Air.

Court Appearance

  1. Upon receiving a court appearance notice for an inmate requiring a CSC escort:
    1. if the inmate is deemed a security risk, the Officer in Charge of the escort will advise the Court Clerk that restraint equipment will remain on the inmate during court proceedings, unless ordered differently by the court
    2. the escorting officers will have in their possession a warrant or court order while escorting an inmate to court.

Interim Commissioner,

Original signed by:

Anne Kelly

Annex A
Cross-References and Definitions


CD 004 – National Standards for the Deployment of Correctional Officers
GL 351-1 – CSC Uniforms, Dress Code and Scale of Issue
CD 530 – Death of an Inmate: Notifications and Funeral Arrangements
CD 559 – Visits
CD 566-7– Searching of Offenders
CD 567 – Management of Incidents
CD 567-3 – Use of Restraint Equipment for Security Purposes
CD 567-5 – Use of Firearms
CD 568-3 – Identification and Management of Security Threat Groups
CD 710-2 – Transfer of Inmates
GL 710-2-2 – Inter-Regional Transfers by Air
CD 710-3 – Temporary Absences
CD 710-7 – Work Releases
CD 800 – Health Services
CD 843 – Interventions to Preserve Life and Prevent Serious Bodily Harm

Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012


Close supervision: means the inmate may be out of sight and sound for short periods of time, for justified reasons or needs (e.g. washroom breaks, meal breaks, medical examination). The authorized person(s) conducting the escort must be aware of the activities and routine of the inmate to determine the most appropriate time to leave the inmate escort for short periods of time.

Duty to warn: information generated by a police agency where they are aware of an active threat against an individual and have a duty to warn that person.

Secure vehicle: a motorized vehicle with a configuration that has a physical separation between the driver and passengers seated behind them.

Security Assessment Review: a review conducted of specific elements to determine the requirement for the completion of a Threat Risk Assessment (TRA) on inmate(s) participating in a security escort.

Security escort: an escort where an assessment of risk determines specific precautions and control mechanisms are required to ensure continued safe custody of the inmate.

Sight and sound: means in close enough proximity for at least two officers to see the inmate and hear their communications. Notwithstanding, for privileged communications between an inmate and a lawyer or a medical practitioner, only constant sight is required. As well, it is recognized that for brief periods (e.g. for staff and/or inmate use of washroom facilities or purchase of food), the sight and sound requirements may be maintained by one officer. During these types of situations, the inmate may be restrained to a secure object (e.g. a hospital bed). During an inmate’s use of the washroom, officers will position themselves to maintain safe and secure custody, while ensuring the appropriate dignity of the inmate.

Threat Risk Assessment: an evaluation of factors that could pose a danger to the management of an offender, the safety of others, or security of an operational unit in particular circumstances.

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