Commissioner's directive 710-4: Perimeter security clearance

Commissioner's Directive

Commissioner's Directive

  • Number: 710-4
  • In Effect: 2014-04-01

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  • To provide a framework for authorizing, monitoring assessing and documenting work assignments outside the institutional perimeter and within the limits of penitentiary lands while ensuring the protection of society as the paramount consideration
  • To provide inmates with an opportunity to display appropriate behaviours in a less structured environment, while promoting timely reintegration in accordance with the objectives of their Correctional Plan


Applies to staff involved in the granting, supervision and assessment of an inmate’s perimeter security clearance



  1. The Institutional Head:
    1. may delegate, in the case of a minimum-security classification, the authority for approval of perimeter security clearance applications to the Deputy Warden
    2. will ensure that the responsibilities of person(s) supervising inmates with perimeter security clearance are detailed, including the duration and degree of supervision
    3. will ensure that a process is in place to:
      1. record applications for perimeter security clearance and the recommendation/comments of the Correctional Manager
      2. register the status of the perimeter security clearance in the Offender Management System as well as the start and end dates of the perimeter security clearance.
  2. The Parole Officer will provide input to the Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker regarding perimeter security clearance applications.


  1. An initial Assessment for Decision for Perimeter Security Clearance will stipulate the frequency and length of the proposed perimeter security clearance as per Annex B.
  2. Inmates with perimeter security clearance will be subject to search and seizure procedures.
  3. Work assignments may be performed on a daily basis or may include a specific number of days (or hours) per week. Any clearance during a day, for any number of hours, is equal to one day of clearance.
  4. Inmates classified as maximum security and inmates detained beyond the Statutory Release Date under the provisions of the CCRA are not eligible for perimeter security clearance.
  5. Inmates classified as medium security, who are eligible for unescorted temporary absences, may apply for perimeter security clearance.
  6. All inmates classified as minimum security are eligible for perimeter security clearance.
  7. Notwithstanding the above paragraphs, any inmates awaiting a decision on a referral to the Parole Board of Canada for detention are not eligible to apply for perimeter security clearance.
  8. The Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker will:
    1. obtain input from the Parole Officer when assessing and reviewing perimeter security clearance applications in accordance with the objectives identified in the inmate’s Correctional Plan
    2. complete an Assessment for Decision for every perimeter security clearance as outlined in Annex B within 30 days of receipt of the inmate’s application
    3. notify the inmate of the decision and rationale in writing within five working days of the decision.
  9. The Correctional Manager will:
    1. review submissions for perimeter security clearances
    2. provide a recommendation to the decision maker on the appropriateness of the Application for the Perimeter Security Clearance that he/she has identified as a concern and/or if deemed required, provide a recommendation on cases supported for perimeter security clearance.
  10. Supervision requirements will be specified in all cases by the decision maker, including those classified as minimum security where direct and constant supervision may not be required.
  11. Direct and constant supervision (i.e. within sight and sound) is required for inmates classified as medium security who have not successfully completed an unescorted temporary absence within the last year, and for minimum security inmates who are not eligible for unescorted temporary absences.
  12. Direct and constant supervision is usually not required for those inmates who have successfully completed an unescorted temporary absence within the last year.
  13. Where a perimeter security clearance is cancelled, a subsequent period of custody of at least seven days is required. A new assessment of the case is required to determine if another perimeter security clearance meets the objectives outlined in the inmate's Correctional Plan.
  14. An inmate may appeal a perimeter security clearance decision through the offender redress process pursuant to CD 081 – Offender Complaints and Grievances.
  15. Any changes to an approved perimeter security clearance plan require a new Assessment for Decision for the purposes of a recommendation and decision.
  16. Unless significant changes have occurred and the application is supported by the Case Management Team, any subsequent review of an application will be conducted no sooner than six months following a negative decision of a perimeter security clearance.


  1. Strategic Policy Division
    National Headquarters


Original Signed by:
Don Head




Perimeter: the designated boundaries of a penitentiary defined by the Institutional Head in Standing Orders.

Perimeter security clearance: permission for an inmate to work outside the perimeter, but within the limits of penitentiary lands, for a specific duration.

Sight and Sound: normally means in close enough proximity to see the inmate and hear his/her communications, except for privileged communications between an inmate and a lawyer or a medical practitioner, in which constant sight is required.




  1. Provide a brief statement of the purpose of the report.


  1. Risk Factors

    i. Briefly analyze the inmate’s risk factors, specific to the offence cycle as outlined in the Correctional Plan. Incorporate actuarial assessments.

  2. Proposed Plan

    i. State the frequency and length of the perimeter security clearance.

    ii. Outline the nature and the location of the work being conducted.

    iii. Identify the person(s) responsible for supervision and specify the type of supervision required.


Provide an overall assessment incorporating the following elements, as applicable and appropriate:

  1. Consultation with Security Intelligence Officer; if there are no concerns, a statement should be made to that effect
  2. Recent professional opinions regarding the perimeter security clearance such as physical or mental health care, psychological information, police comments and/or previous CSC/Parole Board of Canada decisions (if applicable)
  3. Current risk
  4. Indicate the likelihood of escape and the level of risk to public safety in the event of an escape
  5. Inmate engagement
  6. Outstanding factors requiring intervention History of crime free periods and prior periods of supervision, including any previous failures on release and/or perimeter security clearance (if applicable)
  7. An analysis of any high risk behaviours or patterns observed during the sentence
  8. Inmate’s understanding of risk factors and offence cycle, and how risk will be managed
  9. Consider elements of Indigenous social history (if applicable)
  10. For an inmate following a healing path, incorporate his/her understanding of the healing components of the Correctional Plan.



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To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

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