Commissioner's directive 730: Offender program assignments and inmate payments
- To encourage offenders to participate in program assignments which contribute to their rehabilitation and reintegration into the community and the protection of society
- To outline parameters for offender program assignments and inmate payments
Commissioner's Directive
Applies to staff involved with offender program assignments and inmate payments
- The Institutional Head/District Director will:
- ensure that a range of programs, employment and vocational opportunities addressing the identified needs of offenders is available
- ensure that a process is established for program assignments
- ensure that offenders with specific physical or mental health care needs or disabilities are provided reasonable opportunities to participate in program assignments that accommodate their needs.
- The Institutional Head:
- will ensure that a process is established for inmate payments
- will establish the standard number of hours per week for program assignments
- will ensure that inmates assigned to positions that involve gathering and/or processing information about other inmates are given access only to personal information necessary for their job
- may authorize inmate overtime
- may approve, in writing, payments to inmates at levels for which they would not otherwise be eligible.
- The Assistant Warden, Interventions/Associate District Director or delegate will chair the Correctional Intervention Board.
- The Correctional Intervention Board and/or the Manager, Programs/Community Program Manager will:
- assess program and employment requirements through the ongoing review and analysis of Correctional Plans
- determine the program assignment(s) that address(es) the offender's needs and timeframes identified in his/her Correctional Plan
- approve and terminate program assignments
- establish and maintain an inventory of all program assignments
- maintain a scheduling system, prioritize offender participation in program assignments and prevent, to the extent possible, any impediments and/or potential conflicts
- review the cases of offenders suspended from program assignments and take appropriate actions within required timeframes outlined in the Suspension/Termination section of this policy.
- The Correctional Intervention Board and/or the Manager, Programs, will:
- consult with the appropriate staff members and make decisions for inmate employment using the completed Inmate Application for Employment form (CSC/SCC 0843)
- ensure an employment orientation process is established for work assignments
- make an interim program assignment and payment level decision normally within two weeks of an inmate's admission to an institution
- review overall performance evaluations and assign payment levels in accordance with the applicable criteria identified in Annex B
- review the cases of inmates in segregation and take appropriate actions within the required timeframes as outlined in the Segregation section of this policy
- ensure, when applicable, that inmates understand that breach of privacy is grounds for removal from the program assignment and may result in other legal, administrative and disciplinary consequences. Complete the form Acknowledgement - Protection of Personal Information (CSC/SCC 1189) prior to assigning any inmate to a position that involves gathering and/or processing information about other inmates.
- The Manager, Programs, will:
- review, at least on a monthly basis, the cases of inmates not assigned to any programs
- validate the Inmate Pay Review form (CSC/SCC 1138-1) and render a decision or make a recommendation to the Correctional Intervention Board, pursuant to the procedures described below.
- The Correctional Manager will:
- ensure the Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker completes the Inmate Pay Review form (CSC/SCC 1138-1) once every six months
- review the Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker's pay recommendation and submit the completed Inmate Pay Review form (CSC/SCC 1138-1) to the Manager, Programs.
- The Chief, Health Services, the Chief Psychologist, and the Security Intelligence Officer will provide comments on applications for inmate employment as needed, using the Inmate Application for Employment (CSC/SCC 0843).
- The inmate's program/work supervisor will:
- provide an assessment of the inmate's participation in the program assignment using the Inmate Performance Evaluation form (CSC/SCC 1138), at least once within six months of the program assignment start date, every six months thereafter, and any time the program assignment ends
- provide employment orientation to inmates, for work assignments, as outlined in the Inmate Employment Orientation section of this policy.
- monitor attendance and report unauthorized absences from program and work assignments in accordance with CD 566-3 – Inmate Movement.
- The Parole Officer will provide comments on the Inmate Application for Employment (CSC/SCC 0843) and indicate whether the Case Management Team is supportive of the inmate's application.
- The Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker will:
- obtain all information on the inmate's participation in program assignments from the inmate's program/work supervisor and other key collateral sources who may have pertinent information on behaviour outside the program assignment, including the Parole Officer
- complete the inmate payment review using the Inmate Pay Review form (CSC/SCC 11381) and submit his/her pay recommendation to the Correctional Manager for review prior to submission to the Manager, Programs.
- The offender is expected to:
- actively participate in meeting the objectives of his/her Correctional Plan, including participation in program assignments approved by the Correctional Intervention Board
- complete the Inmate Application for Employment (CSC/SCC 0843) when he/she wishes to apply for employment, and submit this form to the Manager, Programs.
Exclusions from Payment and Allowances
- An inmate is excluded from receiving any type of payment or allowance when he/she:
- resides in an institution while on a program assignment for which remuneration is paid directly by an outside employer
- resides in a Community Correctional Centree
- is incarcerated in a provincial facility, except when the inmate remains on the register of a federal institution
- is in the care and custody of an Indigenous community, pursuant to an agreement under section 81 of the CCRA
- receives a maintenance allowance pursuant to CD 870 – Maintenance Allowance for Offenders.
Program Assignment(s)
- Program assignments will be scheduled on weekends and holidays, only:
- to perform essential tasks
- for emergency requirements, and/or
- for exceptional requirements of the program assignment.
Payments to Inmates
- Inmate payments or allowances will normally be awarded based on the following daily rates (see Annex B):
- payment level A ($6.90)
- payment level B ($6.35)
- payment level C ($5.80)
- payment level D ($5.25)
- allowance ($2.50)
- basic allowance ($1.00).
- The deductions made from offenders' income will be consistent with CD 860 - Offender's Money.
- At the Institutional Head's discretion, he/she may authorize, in writing, payments to inmates at levels for which they would not otherwise be eligible. Exceptional circumstances where this may occur include, but are not limited to, situations in which an inmate has a disability or mental health care needs. Upon authorization, develop a plan to assist the inmate to advance through the pay levels.
- A single payment level will be determined for inmates participating in multiple program assignments.
- Payments to inmates are calculated according to a 14-day period and credited no later than the last normal working day in the next payment period.
- Inmates who work full-time will normally be able to earn the maximum of 10 full days per payment period, with the exception of those who are authorized to perform overtime.
- Inmates will not normally receive any level of payment or allowance for days on which they do not participate in their program assignment, including weekends.
- Notwithstanding the preceding, an inmate who is scheduled to participate in a program assignment, but has an authorized absence from the program assignment, or an inmate who is unable to participate in a program assignment for reasons beyond his/her control, will receive an allowance of $2.50 a day.
- Payment will not be reduced in the case of Indigenous inmates with authorized absences to attend spiritual and cultural ceremonies as part of their Healing Plan and/or Correctional Plan. This includes Indigenous offenders attending spiritual and cultural ceremonies while participating in the non-Indigenous stream of programs.
- Overtime will only be authorized where no other reasonable alternatives exist. It will only be paid when the cumulative total of time participating in all program assignments is in excess of the institution's established work week. It will be calculated at one-fifth of the inmate's daily level of payment for each hour actually worked.
- Inmates participating in one or more program assignments that total fewer than the equivalent of 10 full days per payment period will be paid as follows:
- for participation on each day, or portion thereof, the assigned payment level will be applied on a pro-rated basis
- an allowance of $2.50 a day will normally be awarded for the balance of days, or portions thereof, during which the inmate has an authorized absence, or is not participating in a program assignment for reasons beyond his/her control
- Payment level will not be reduced in the case of Indigenous inmates with authorized absences to attend spiritual and cultural ceremonies as part of their Healing Plan and/or Correctional Plan. This includes Indigenous offenders attending spiritual and cultural ceremonies while participating in the non-Indigenous stream of programs.
- The basic allowance will be awarded to inmates who refuse to participate in all program assignments, including unemployed inmates who refuse to complete the Inmate Application for Employment form (CSC/SCC 0843) for available work assignments. The basic allowance will apply to weekdays only, and will not be awarded on weekends.
- Inmates will not receive any payment or allowance during unauthorized absences, for the first 10 working days they are in segregation for disciplinary reasons and are not participating in a program assignment, or for the period during which they were suspended from a program assignment.
- Inmates who work on Saturdays and Sundays should normally be given equivalent time off during the week, unless they have been approved to work overtime. The inmate will be informed of the requirement to work weekends by the work supervisor, prior to accepting the program assignment.
- When an inmate is transferred to another institution, he/she will be placed on allowance during the transfer and for the period during which he/she is not participating in a program assignment.
- When an inmate is moved to a different security level within a clustered institution as a result of a change in security classification and is unable to continue his/her previous program assignment, the inmate will be placed on allowance for the period during which he/she is not participating in a program assignment.
- When an inmate is transferred to a same or lower security level institution, or moves to a lower security level within a clustered institution as a result of a change in security classification, the Correctional Intervention Board at the receiving institution/unit will review the inmate's situation within two weeks of his/her transfer/movement, and consider him/her for available program assignments. Once assigned to, and participating in, a program(s):
- the inmate will continue to receive payment at the level of pay he/she received before his/her transfer/movement and until the next pay level review, or
- if the inmate refuses all program assignments offered by the Correctional Intervention Board, then he/she will be placed on the basic allowance.
- When an inmate is transferred to a higher security level institution, or moves to a higher security level within a clustered institution as a result of a change in security classification, the Correctional Intervention Board will review the inmate’s case within two weeks, and determine an appropriate payment level, rather than the inmate automatically maintaining his/her previous payment level. If the inmate refuses all program assignments offered by the Correctional Intervention Board, he/she will be placed on the basic allowance.
- The receiving institution is responsible for the inmate's payment during the transit time of a transfer.
Inmate Employment Orientation
- Prior to an inmate commencing a work assignment, the work supervisor will, at a minimum:
- provide an orientation to the work area, including the health and safety procedures, and any specific rules and regulations
- review the main duties and expectations of the work assignment, as outlined in the generic work description. Both the work supervisor and the inmate will sign and date a copy of the work description to confirm that the orientation has taken place
- review the Inmate Performance Evaluation form (CSC/SCC 1138) with the inmate, and ensure that he/she is informed of, and understands, how his/her performance will be evaluated.
- Pay reviews and decisions to increase or decrease an inmate's pay level should be based on the following as defined in Annex B:
- attendance and punctuality
- performance in meeting the expectations of the program assignment, including interpersonal relationships, attitude, behaviour, effort, motivation, productivity and responsibility
- involvement in his/her Correctional Plan, including level of accountability, motivation and engagement, pursuant to CD 710-1 - Progress Against the Correctional Plan
- overall institutional behaviour, including conviction(s) for disciplinary offences, positive or refused urinalysis, etc.
- affiliation with a security threat group pursuant to CD 568-3 - Identification and Management of Security Threat Groups
- placement in a specialized unit (Special Handling Unit, segregation for disciplinary reasons, etc.)
- duration of time inmate has been at his/her current pay level.
- Notwithstanding the above, if an inmate refuses to participate in any program assignment that is part of his/her Correctional Plan, the inmate will not be eligible to receive payment above level D when working.
- The inmate's program/work supervisor will complete an assessment of the inmate's participation in the program assignment using the Inmate Performance Evaluation form (CSC/SCC 1138) at least once every six months, and any time the program assignment ends.
- The Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker will normally complete the payment evaluation based on the criteria contained above and provide a recommendation that will be reviewed by the Correctional Manager and submitted to the Manager, Programs, using the Inmate Pay Review form (CSC/SCC 1138-1), at least once every six months.
- The Manager, Programs, will determine the inmate's payment level, based on recommendations made by the Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker, using the Inmate Pay Review form (CSC/SCC 1138-1) and any other relevant information.
- Notwithstanding the above, the Manager, Programs, may, on the recommendation of an inmate’s Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker or Parole Officer, initiate a review of an inmate’s pay level when there is a significant change in the inmate’s institutional behaviour, accountability, engagement, motivation, or level of compliance with his/her Correctional Plan.
- Notwithstanding the above, the Correctional Intervention Board may initiate a review of the inmate’s pay level following the suspension of an inmate from a program assignment, or following a transfer to a higher security level institution or movement to a higher security level within a clustered institution as a result of a change in security classification.
- Based on the Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker's recommendation, the Manager, Programs, will:
- make the final decision when he/she concurs with the recommendation
- convene the Correctional Intervention Board:
- when the decision is to award pay level A to the inmate, in order to ensure that the inmate meets all the requirements of pay level A
- when he/she does not concur with the Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker's recommendation
- when the inmate contests the payment level decision and requests in writing that the Correctional Intervention Board review the decision within the timeframes articulated below, or
- when he/she believes that additional information is required prior to rendering a decision.
- In all cases, the Manager, Programs, or the Correctional Intervention Board, as appropriate, will review performance evaluations on program assignments in which the inmate participated in since the last pay review.
- When the Manager, Programs, convenes the Correctional Intervention Board, the Board will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the inmate’s participation in the program assignment(s) and determine the inmate’s payment level, based on recommendations as contained in the Inmate Pay Review form (CSC/SCC 1138-1) and any other relevant information.
- The Manager, Programs, or the Correctional Intervention Board, as appropriate, will provide the inmate written notification of the reasons justifying the assigned payment level assigned based on the criteria defined in Annex B. Upon receipt of the payment level notification, the inmate will have five working days to provide written notification to the Correctional Intervention Board, via the Manager, Programs, if it is his/her intention to contest the payment level assignment. The inmate may present oral or written submission to the Correctional Intervention Board regarding his/her contestation.
- The program/work supervisor may suspend an offender who, without reasonable excuse, leaves a program assignment, or whose actions demonstrate a refusal to participate in a program assignment.
- Where appropriate, the program/work supervisor will normally try to resolve the offender's poor attendance or negative behaviour informally prior to suspending the offender from the program assignment. Informal mechanisms may include, but are not limited to, establishing a behavioural contract with the offender.
- An offender's program assignment may be terminated by the Manager, Programs/Community Program Manager without incurring a suspension if it is determined, in consultation with the appropriate staff, that the offender is unable to meaningfully participate in the program assignment. When this occurs, the offender’s assignment status will be “incomplete”. Such reasons include mental health concerns, low level of education, or other responsivity issues if approved by the Manager, Programs/Community Program Manager. In such situations, every effort will be made to find the offender a more suitable program assignment. The inmate will be placed on allowance until he/she is offered a new program assignment.
- An inmate may choose to withdraw from a work assignment by advising the work supervisor in writing at least 10 working days in advance. The work supervisor will then notify the Manager, Programs. The inmate will then be placed on allowance until a new program assignment is found. Failure to advise the work supervisor in advance will normally result in the inmate being suspended and the program assignment being terminated.
- An offender who chooses to withdraw from a correctional program, education program or vocational program will be suspended as per below.
- Inmates who are suspended from a program assignment will receive zero pay for 10 working days and will not be eligible to work during the zero pay period.
- Notwithstanding the preceding, if an inmate is required to participate in a correctional program, education program or vocational program identified as part of his/her Correctional Plan, the zero pay period may be reduced to facilitate participation in the program assignment.
- Inmates who have been suspended or who withdraw from a correctional program, education program or vocational program will be placed on level D pay when working and will not be eligible for pay increases or overtime until such time as the inmate is re-admitted to the same correctional program, education program or vocational program from which he/she was suspended.
- Should an inmate start another correctional program, education program or vocational program from which he/she has not been previously suspended, he/she will be placed on level C pay.
- Upon completion of this correctional program, education program or vocational program, he/she will be placed on level D pay again until such time as he/she is re-admitted to the same correctional program, education program or vocational program from which he/she was suspended.
- Within two working days following a suspension, the program/work supervisor will notify the offender in writing, as well as the Parole Officer and the Manager, Programs/Community Program Manager. The Manager, Programs/Community Program Manager will subsequently advise the Correctional Intervention Board normally within an additional working day. The program/work supervisor will identify the reasons for the suspension, using the Offender Suspension from a Program Assignment form (CSC/SCC 1188).
- The offender will be given two working days to provide written notification to the Manager, Programs/Community Program Manager if it is his/her intention to appear before the Correctional Intervention Board during its review of the suspension. Within five working days of the receipt of notification, the Manager, Programs/Community Program Manager will convene a Correctional Intervention Board to complete the review of the suspension and either:
- cancel the suspension - the offender will normally be reinstated in the program assignment from which the suspension took place when it is reasonable to do so and the offender indicates a willingness to resume participation in the program assignment. If this is impossible due to operational requirements, the Correctional Intervention Board will make every effort to find another program assignment as soon as possible
- reduce the period of the suspension - if the Correctional Intervention Board considers the period of suspension to be excessive, it may reduce the period of suspension. The Correctional Intervention Board will then either reinstate the offender in the program assignment from which the suspension took place or terminate the program assignment and reassign the offender, wherever possible and as soon as possible
- confirm the suspension - the Correctional Intervention Board will either reinstate the offender in the program assignment from which the suspension took place or terminate the program assignment and reassign the offender, wherever possible and as soon as possible
- maintain the suspension - in exceptional circumstances, the Correctional Intervention Board may maintain the suspension for additional periods, each of which will not exceed five working days, pending further investigation. Once the required information is obtained, the Correctional Intervention Board will take the decision to cancel the suspension, to reduce the period of suspension, or to confirm the suspension.
- Based on the Correctional Intervention Board's decision, the following will apply:
- if the suspension is cancelled, the inmate will be awarded full back payment for the period of the suspension
- if the period of the suspension is reduced, the inmate will be awarded back payment to reflect the period of reduced suspension
- if the suspension is confirmed, the inmate will not be awarded any back payment
- if the Correctional Intervention Board terminates the offender's participation in the program assignment, the inmate will be placed on allowance until a new program assignment has been found.
- Pursuant to subsection 104(1) of the CCRR, an inmate cannot be on suspension status from a particular program assignment for more than six weeks.
- The offender will be provided with a written decision and the reasons of the decision to cancel, reduce, or confirm the suspension within two working days of the Correctional Intervention Board's decision.
- All inmates who remain in segregation for more than seven working days will have their case reviewed by the Correctional Intervention Board no later than 12 working days from the day they were admitted into segregation and will be considered for one of the allowances as defined in Annex B.
Segregation for Disciplinary Reasons
- Inmates admitted into segregation for disciplinary reasons will be placed on zero pay for the first 10 working days they remain in segregation and are not participating in a program assignment. For the duration of their time in segregation, inmates who are not participating in a program assignment will be placed on basic allowance following the period of zero pay.
- Should the inmate participate in a program assignment while in segregation for disciplinary reasons, he/she will be awarded payment at no higher than level C.
Administrative Segregation
- The cases of inmates admitted into administrative segregation will be reviewed by the Correctional Intervention Board on an individual basis following their admission into segregation. If it is determined that their actions/behaviour in their program assignment contributed to their placement into administrative segregation, the inmate may be suspended from his/her program assignment and have his/her pay level reduced.
- For the duration of their time in administrative segregation, inmates will be placed on allowance. Should the inmate participate in a program assignment while in administrative segregation, he/she will be paid at his/her current pay level.
Maternity Leave
- An inmate's maternity leave can commence prior to the birth of the child.
- The level of payment assigned to an inmate while on maternity leave will be equal to the inmate's level of payment prior to commencement of the maternity leave.
- An inmate on maternity leave is not required to participate in programs or work, but may do so if she chooses and is supported by the Correctional Intervention Board.
- The duration of maternity leave is:
- fifteen weeks of leave with payment at the inmate's pay level at the time of commencement of the leave for inmates who give birth and who are participating in the Mother-Child Program, or
- six weeks of leave with payment at the inmate’s pay level at the time of commencement of the leave for inmates who give birth but who are not participating in the Mother-Child Program. Once completed, the inmate will gradually resume participation in her Correctional Plan over a period of nine weeks, during which she will continue to receive payment at the pay level she received at the time of commencement of her maternity leave..
Inmate Injuries Sustained During an Assignment
- For the purpose of this section, "assignment" has the same meaning as "approved program" defined in section 121 of the CCRR.
- Staff will report and record all injuries sustained by an inmate during an assignment pursuant to CD 568-1 - Recording and Reporting of Security Incidents.
- Upon being informed of the inmate’s injury, the inmate’s program/work supervisor will complete section A of the Inmate Injury Supervisor’s Workplace/Approved Program Accident Report (CSC/SCC 1397) and within 10 working days, section B of the same form, and attach a copy of the completed Classification of Inmate Injuries form (CSC/SCC 1375).
- Inmates who are authorized to be absent from their program assignment as a result of an injury sustained during an assignment will be awarded an allowance of $2.50.
- In the event of a shutdown, payment will normally be awarded in the following manner:
- in cases in which the shutdown is not the result of any action on the part of the inmates, such as holidays, staff absences, implementation of security measures (e.g., institutional searches), training or other administrative or operational requirements, inmates will normally receive:
- a full day's payment for each day of the shutdown providing the inmate participates in his/her program assignment for a portion of each day, or
- a half day's payment per day if the inmate does not participate in his/her program assignment for a portion of each day of the shutdown
- in cases in which the shutdown results from inmate actions and/or incidents, inmates who have been clearly identified as not having participated in an individual or group action that led to the shutdown will normally receive:
- a full day's payment for each day of the shutdown providing the inmate participates in his/her program assignment for a portion of each day, or
- a half day's payment per day if the inmate does not participate in his/her program assignment for a portion of each day of shutdown
- in cases in which an inmate has been clearly identified as participating in an individual or group action that has resulted in a shutdown, no payment will be awarded to that inmate for the entire period of the shutdown.
- in cases in which the shutdown is not the result of any action on the part of the inmates, such as holidays, staff absences, implementation of security measures (e.g., institutional searches), training or other administrative or operational requirements, inmates will normally receive:
Original Signed by:
Don Head
- GL 005-1 - Institutional Management Structure: Roles and Responsibilities
- CD 083 - Inmate Committees
- CD 234 - Claims for Staff Personal Effects and Inmate Personal Effects and the Offender Accident Compensation Program
- CD 566-3 - Inmate Movement
- CD 566-10 - Urinalysis Testing
- CD 568-1 - Recording and Reporting of Security Incidents
- CD 568-3 - Identification and Management of Security Threat Groups
- CD 580 - Discipline of Inmates
- CD 585 - National Drug Strategy
- CD 700 - Correctional Interventions
- CD 702 - Indigenous Offenders
- CD 705 - Intake Assessment Process and Correctional Plan Framework
- CD 709 - Administrative Segregation
- CD 710 - Institutional Supervision Framework
- CD 710-1 - Progress Against the Correctional Plan
- CD 710-3 - Temporary Absences
- CD 720 - Education Programs and Services for Offenders
- CD 726 - Correctional Programs
- GL 726-3 - National Correctional Program Management Guidelines
- CD 767 - Ethnocultural Offenders: Services and Interventions
- CD 768 - Institutional Mother-Child Program
- CD 860 - Offender's Money
- CD 870 - Maintenance Allowance for Offenders
- CD 890 - Inmate Owned Canteens
- CORCAN Governing Principles
- Treasury Board Policy on Government Security
Accountability : the level of involvement of the offender in his/her Correctional Plan in relation to the obligation to modify behaviours identified as being problematic. Attitude, behaviour, and insight are critical components to offender accountability.
Correctional program : a structured intervention that targets empirically-validated factors directly linked to offenders' criminal behaviour, in order to reduce reoffending.
Education program : an intervention that provides offenders with literacy, academic and personal development skills, and leads to formal recognition, certification or accreditation from an educational authority recognized by the province/territory in which the program is being delivered.
Engagement : the demonstrated willingness of an offender to:
- actively participate in his/her assigned Correctional Plan
- be free of criminal and gang activity while under sentence
- display conduct that demonstrates respect
- obey the penitentiary rules and/or supervision requirements.
Holiday: Government of Canada holiday for staff in the province/territory in which they work.
Motivation : the desire or willingness to change.
Program assignment : any correctional intervention, work assignment, education program or vocational program approved by the Correctional Intervention Board or Manager, Programs/Community Program Manager. In institutions, inmates may be paid for their participation in program assignments.
Program refusal: an offender is considered to be refusing a program when he/she refuses to attend and participate in an upcoming program or qualifies the refusal (e.g., "yes, I'll take the program but not right now", "yes, I'll take the program, but I won't transfer to that institution to take it", etc.). Unemployed inmates who refuse to complete an application for available work assignments are also considered to be refusing a program assignment.
Vocational program : an intervention that provides training to offenders in a wide range of marketable work areas to enhance job readiness and employment skills.
Levels of Payment and Allowances
- Payment levels will normally be based on the following daily rates:
- level A ($6.90) will be awarded to inmates who:
- have been earning level B for at least the previous six months or are already earning level A and have met the following criteria for at least the past six months:
- no unauthorized absences
- no unjustified late arrivals to, or early departures from, the program assignment
- no convictions for disciplinary offences
- a high level of accountability, motivation and engagement pursuant to CD 710-1 - Progress Against the Correctional Plan
- have not been placed in a specialized unit (Special Handling Unit, segregation for disciplinary reasons, etc.)
- are not affiliated with a security threat group pursuant to CD 568-3 - Identification and Management of Security Threat Groups
- full and active participation in all aspects of their Correctional Plans
- exceeded all expectations of the program assignment
- exceeded expectations for interpersonal relationships, attitude, motivation, behaviour, effort, productivity and responsibility
- have been earning level B for at least the previous six months or are already earning level A and have met the following criteria for at least the past six months:
- level B ($6.35) will be awarded to inmates who:
- have been earning level C for at least the previous six months or are already earning level B and have met the following criteria for at least the past six months:
- good attendance and punctuality
- no convictions for serious disciplinary offences
- no convictions for positive urinalysis or refusals to complete a urinalysis
- demonstrated full and active participation in all aspects of their Correctional Plans
- a moderate level of accountability, motivation and engagement pursuant to CD 710-1 - Progress Against the Correctional Plan
- met all expectations of the program assignment
- met all expectations for interpersonal relationships, attitude, motivation, behaviour, effort, productivity and responsibility
- have been earning level C for at least the previous six months or are already earning level B and have met the following criteria for at least the past six months:
- level C ($5.80) will be awarded to inmates who:
- participate in assignments specified in their Correctional Plans, or
- participate in assignments recommended by the Correctional Intervention Board before their Correctional Plans have been finalized
- level D ($5.25) will be awarded to inmates who:
- participate in work assignments, but refuse to participate in, or are suspended from, another program assignment specified in their Correctional Plans, or in the absence of a Correctional Plan, refuse to participate in any other program assignment offered by the Correctional Intervention Board. This includes inmates who are appealing their sentences and/or convictions and refuse a program assignment for reasons related to the appeal. Inmates will remain at this level of payment until they participate in a program assignment specified in their Correctional Plans.
- level A ($6.90) will be awarded to inmates who:
- Indigenous inmates with authorized absences who are attending spiritual and cultural ceremonies as part of their Healing Plan and/or Correctional Plan will not be subject to payment level reductions.
- An allowance of $2.50 will automatically be awarded to inmates who have authorized absences from their program assignment or who are unable to participate in a program assignment for reasons beyond their control. Authorized absences may include, but are not limited to, authorized sick leave, planned absences for approved religious reasons, private family visits, or temporary absences. Reasons beyond the inmate’s control may include, but are not limited to unemployment, administrative segregation, temporary absences, institutional orientation, or the intake assessment process.
- A basic allowance of $1 will be awarded to inmates who refuse to participate in all program assignments offered by the Correctional Intervention Board, and to inmates in segregation for disciplinary reasons following the period of zero pay.
For more information
- Government-wide Forward Regulatory Plans
- The Cabinet Directive on Regulatory
- The Federal regulatory management
- The Canada–United States Regulatory Cooperation Council
To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.
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