Interim Policy bulletin 689

Interim Policy Bulletin

Policy number and title:

Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 568-3 – Identification and Management of Security Threat Groups

Why was the policy changed?

The policy was changed in response to Board of Investigation recommendations, which identified the need to clarify policy direction. The policy was also changed to relieve some of the administrative policy requirements related to the identification of members and associates of security threat groups (STGs). These changes are effective immediately and will be incorporated in the forthcoming CD revisions.

What has changed?

Assessment of Affiliation with an STG

STG affiliation information will not be entered into the Alerts, Flags and Needs screens of the Offender Management System (OMS). All available information related to current, historical, and suspected STG affiliations will be entered into the 1184-02/Affiliation screen.

Paragraph 15

Paragraph 20

Paragraph 21

Paragraph 23

Paragraph 27

How was it developed?

The Preventive Security and Intelligence Branch, including institutional and regional intelligence staff, developed this Interim Policy Bulletin in collaboration with the Strategic Policy Division.

Who will be affected by the policy?

Staff responsible for the identification and management of STGs in institutions and in the community.


Original signed by:

Anne Kelly

Page details

Date modified: