Interim Policy bulletin 698
Interim Policy Bulletin
Number: 698
In Effect: 2023-07-17
Related links:
Policy numbers and titles:
Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 711: Structured Intervention Units
Guidelines (GL) 711-1: Structured Intervention Unit (SIU) Transfer Procedures: SIU Sites
Interim Policy Bulletin (IPB) 679
Why were these policies changed?
Amendments to the SIU policy suite have been made to strengthen and clarify accountabilities, ensure operational procedures are aligned with the revised legislative requirements that resulted from the passing of Bill C-83, and respond to internal compliance audits and reviews of SIUs by external stakeholders. These changes will strengthen SIU review procedures, documentation requirements, and data collection procedures.
What has changed?
Changes to CD 711, GL 711-1 and IPB 679
Amendments have been made to the following sections of CD 711:
- Considerations in Decisions
- Responsibilities - National Headquarters
- Annex A - Definitions.
The following sections have been added to GL 711-1:
- Case Review Following Decision that an Inmate Should Not Remain in SIU
- Annex B - SIU Case Conference (SIUCC) Correctional Plan Update (CPU) Content Guidelines.
Modifications have been made to the direction in IPB 679 which impact the following sections of CD 711:
- Responsibilities - Regional Headquarters
- Exceptions.
For the full list of changes, please consult Annex A - English Changes and Annex B - SIU Case Conference (SIUCC) Correctional Plan Update (CPU) Content Guidelines.
How were they developed?
Amendments to CD 711, GL 711-1 and IPB 679 were developed by the SIU Operations Team in consultation with the SIU Corporate Team, Health Services, the Reintegration Operations Division and the Strategic Policy Division.
Who will be affected by the policies?
All Institutional Heads, supervisors and staff working in an SIU, or at a non-SIU site when inmates are subject to restricted movement, are affected by these changes.
Other impacts?
Annex A - English changes
Changes to CD 711 - Structured Intervention Units
Considerations in Decisions
Paragraph 65 has been amended to clarify that all CSC decisions related to the authorization and transfer of an inmate to an SIU, including a decision by an Assistant Warden, Interventions (AWI), or Assistant Warden, Operations (AWO), to confirm or cancel an SIU transfer authorization, must consider, as applicable, factors pursuant to section 28 and subsection 37.41(2) of the CCRA, as well as other relevant considerations. In addition, the inmate’s agreement with the plan to transfer out of the SIU has been added to “other” considerations.
Previous Direction | Current Direction |
Responsibilities - National Headquarters
Paragraph 69 has been amended to add an accountability for the Assistant Commissioner, Health Services (ACHS), to ensure that a quality assurance program is implemented.
Previous Direction | Current Direction |
Annex A - Definitions
The following definitions have been added to the policy to define and clarify terms in the new and existing policy direction.
As soon as possible: at the earliest possible time or opportunity without compromising the safety of staff, inmates or the public and the security of the institution.
As soon as practicable: as soon as both possible and practical under all the facts and circumstances of the individual case and without compromising the safety of staff, inmates or the institution.
SIU compliance reports: reports measuring compliance with the responsibilities, procedures and timeframes outlined in the SIU policy suite, excluding those linked to the provision of health services in SIUs.
Changes to GL 711-1 - Structured Intervention Unit (SIU) Transfer Procedures - SIU Sites
Case Review Following Decision that an Inmate should not remain in SIU
The following has been added to provide direction in circumstances where an inmate refuses to transfer out of an SIU or where there is a delay in transferring an inmate out of an SIU following a decision by a designated CSC decision maker or an Independent External Decision Maker (IEDM), that an inmate should not remain in an SIU. In these cases, the Structured Intervention Unit Review Committee (SIURC) and further duration decisions are no longer required as it has already been determined that the inmate should not remain in the SIU. Instead, the new SIU case conference (SIUCC) process outlined below will ensure cases continue to be reviewed within similar timeframes as an SIURC and inmates are transferred out of an SIU as soon as possible.
Previous Direction | Current Direction |
The referenced paragraph was not previously in the policy direction. | Inmate Transfer Out of an SIU The Institutional Head will ensure that an inmate is transferred out of the SIU as soon as practicable following:
When an inmate refuses to transfer out of the SIU or there is a delay in implementing a decision by a designated CSC decision maker or an IEDM that an inmate should not remain in an SIU, the SIU Parole Officer will:
The SIU Manager will inform the Deputy Warden no later than one working day after the SIU Parole Officer has met with the inmate. SIU Case Conference (SIUCC) Following notification that an inmate is refusing to transfer out of the SIU or when there is a delay in implementing the decision, the Deputy Warden will:
SIUCC Documentation Following each SIUCC, the Deputy Warden will ensure:
Institutional Head The Institutional Head will meet with the inmate within five calendar days of receipt of the SIUCC documentation to discuss:
Following the meeting with the inmate, the Institutional Head will ensure:
Changes to Interim Policy Bulletin 679 (november 15, 2021)
Responsibilities - Regional Headquarters
Paragraph 71 has been amended to change the frequency requirements of the SIU compliance reports at non-SIU sites from annually to once every two years.
Previous Direction | Current Direction |
The previous policy direction has been amended to remove the official language requirements and to clarify that all reasonable efforts must be made to meet the legislated obligation to provide inmates in SIUs, or subject to restricted movement, with opportunities to interact with others as well as to be outside their cell.
Previous Direction | Current Direction |
Following authorization of an exception, the Institutional Head will ensure:
| Following authorization of an exception, the Institutional Head will ensure:
Annex B - SIU Case Conference (SIUCC) Correctional Plan Update (CPU) Content Guidelines
An SIU case conference (SIUCC) must be undertaken in circumstances where an inmate refuses to transfer out of an SIU or where there is a delay in transferring an inmate out of an SIU following a decision, by a designated CSC decision maker or an IEDM, that an inmate should not remain in an SIU. The purpose of an SIUCC is to ensure that an inmate’s progress, as well as plans to transfer the inmate out of the SIU continue to be reviewed and assessed. The Deputy Warden will facilitate the case conference and ensure all Case Management Team members attend.
The following SIUCC Correctional Plan Update (CPU) content guidelines have been added to include documentation requirements following an SIUCC.
SIUCC Attendance
- Identify the participants attending the SIUCC by name and position.
- Document if the inmate attended and the reasons if they did not.
Discussion of Alternatives and Plan to Transfer the Inmate out of the SIU
- Identify the date of the decision and decision maker (i.e., AWI/AWO, Institutional Head, Senior Deputy Commissioner, and/or Independent External Decision Maker).
- State the current plan to transfer the inmate out of the SIU.
- Identify if the inmate is refusing to transfer out of the SIU.
- Identify specific challenges, external to the inmate, to transferring the inmate out of the SIU (i.e., the lack of an interregional flight, court obligations, medical considerations, etc.).
Inmate Comments
- Indicate whether the inmate agrees with the plan.
- If the inmate does not agree with the plan, document the inmate’s reasons for their resistance to transferring out of the SIU.
- Document the inmate’s proposed alternative, if provided.
- Identify programs and/or interventions in which the inmate is participating.
Health Care Comments
- Document any health care professional’s comments.
Security Intelligence Comments
- Document Security Intelligence Officer’s comments.
Required Actions
- Based on a holistic assessment of the above considerations, identify:
- next steps in completing a transfer out of the SIU
- measures to improve the conditions of confinement, if this has been an area of concern.
Page details
- Date modified: