Policy bulletin 225

Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin

  • Number: 225
  • In Effect: 2007-05-08

Policy numbers and titles:

What is new/changed?

The policy was changed mainly to reflect the use of non-intrusive search tools for drug detection. As well Annex A, entitled "Policy and Legislation Related to Drug Strategy Initiatives", has been deleted since its content has been updated and integrated in this directive.

Why was the policy changed?

As a result of the Drug Audit, it was determined that CSC's interdiction tools needed to be incorporated into CD 585.

How was it developed?

A review of the policy by the Security Operations Division at National Headquarters, following the outcome of the Drug Audit, resulted in making the above technical amendments.


Institutional Heads are responsible for ensuring compliance.

Who will be affected by the policy?

CSC staff involved in urinalysis testing in institutions.

Expected cost?

No cost.

Other impacts?


For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

Page details

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