Policy bulletin 513

Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin

  • Number: 513
  • In Effect: 2015-10-13

Policy numbers and titles:

Why were these policies changed?

These policies were modified to support the recent enhancements and changes that have been made to Commissioner’s Directive 709 – Administrative Segregation and related Guidelines 709-1 – Administrative Segregation Guidelines. Other technical amendments have also been made.

What has changed?

CD 710-6 – Review of Inmate Security Classification

Changes have been made to CD 710-6 to require a review of security classification be completed for medium security inmates in administrative segregation pursuant to paragraph 31(a) of the CCRA prior to the 30th day Institutional Segregation Review Board.

Also, the heading of Reclassification Scale and Security Reclassification Scale for Women in CD 710-6 has been amended to Security Classification Review to provide clarity in the procedures.

Other changes include the addition of a cross-reference to CD 709 – Administrative Segregation in Annex A of CD 710-6. A cross-reference to the Security Reclassification Scale for Women (SRSW) version 2.0 has also been added in Annex A of CD 710-6.

A statement has been added to Annex B of CD 710-6 that indicates “The inmate has been advised that he/she may have access to the Security Reclassification Scale Functional Specification on a CD-Rom at the institutional library”. In the case of inmates who do not have access to the institutional library (e.g. placement in segregation), staff must provide the inmate with a hard copy of the Security Reclassification Scale Functional Specification.

GL 710-2-3 – Inmate Transfer Processes

The involuntary inter-regional transfer process has been amended in order to provide clarification and specific timeframes for the consultation process for Administrative Segregation cases. The following now replaces the current process identified in paragraphs 55 to 65 of GL 710-2-3.

55. The Parole Officer at the sending institution will:

  1. complete the Assessment for Decision and leave it unlocked. (Note: In situations when the purpose of the transfer is to alleviate the administrative segregation status of an inmate, the Parole Officer will recommend an institution as well as an alternative transfer placement in the event that the initial proposal presents as an unviable transfer option)
  2. notify the Regional Transfer Coordinator of the sending region of the Assessment for Decision for his/her review, who in turn will, within one working day, forward it to the Regional Transfer Coordinator of the receiving region.

56. The Regional Transfer Coordinator of the receiving region will:

  1. review the request and consult with the proposed institution(s)
  2. submit comments provided by the institution(s) to the Regional Transfer Coordinator of the sending region.

57. In situations when the purpose of the transfer is to alleviate the administrative segregation status of an inmate, the Regional Transfer Coordinator of the receiving region will:

  1. within one working day of being notified of the request, consult with the proposed institution(s)
  2. submit the consultation comments provided by the institution(s) to the Regional Transfer Coordinator of the sending region, within five working days of being notified of the request.

58. The Regional Transfer Coordinator of the sending region will notify institutional staff, who will enter the comments in the Assessment for Decision and lock the document.

59.Pursuant to section 12 of the CCRR, the Institutional Head or designate will:

  1. ensure the procedural fairness process is completed with the inmate at least two working days before the transfer
  2. provide the inmate with all documentation that will be used in the decision-making process
  3. provide the inmate two working days to respond to the proposed transfer, in person or in writing. The Institutional Head can grant, within one working day of receiving the request, an extension of up to 10 working days. When the inmate responds in person, the response must be documented in a “Casework Record – Rebuttal.”

60. The Institutional Head of the sending institution will provide comments and address the inmate’s “rebuttal” (if one is submitted) via the “Recommendation” section of the CSC Board Review/Decision Sheet.

61. The Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation and the inmate's rebuttal (if one is submitted) are forwarded to the Regional Transfer Coordinator of the sending region who will provide comments via the “Recommendation” section of the CSC Board Review/Decision Sheet.

62. The Regional Transfer Coordinator of the sending region will forward the information to the Regional Transfer Coordinator of the receiving region to obtain the final decision. (Refer to Annex B for the timeframes for decision.)

63. The Regional Transfer Coordinator of the receiving region will send the signed CSC Board Review/Decision Sheet back to the Regional Transfer Coordinator of the sending region, who will forward it to the sending site.

64. The inmate will be provided with a copy of the final decision and the reasons via the CSC Board Review/Decision Sheet.

65. The Regional Victim Services Manager will ensure that for all inter-regional transfers, related victim information is transferred to the appropriate Victim Services Unit in the receiving region and that translation of documents is completed prior to the transfer.

How were they developed?

These policies were developed by the Correctional Operations and Programs Sector, in collaboration with Legal Services and the Policy Sector.


All staff responsible for and involved in the security classification review and transfer of inmates.

Who will be affected by the policy?

Staff involved in the security classification review and transfer processes.

Expected Cost?


Next Steps

GL 710-2-3 – Inmate Transfer Processes will be reviewed to incorporate these changes.

Other Impacts?


For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

Page details

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