Policy bulletin 566

Policy Bulletin

Policy numbers and titles:

Why were these policies changed?

To address the recommendations from an internal audit completed in December 2013 on employment and employability, major restructuring of current CD 720 has occurred that resulted in all of the vocational programs being removed from CD 720 and integrated into the newly developed CD 735 – Employment and Employability Program.

What has changed?

CD 720 – Education Programs and Services for Inmates

GL 720-1 – Guidelines for Education Programs

CD 735 – Employment and Employability Program

How were the policies developed?

The Reintegration Programs Division and the Employment and Employability Program Division of CORCAN worked together to develop these policies in collaboration with the Strategic Policy Division. Full consultations were held with internal and external stakeholders.

Who will be affected by the policies?

All staff involved in assessments, referrals, delivery and management of education, employment and employability programs.

For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

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