Policy bulletin 599

Policy Bulletin

Number: 599

In Effect: 2018-05-22

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Policy number and title:

Commissioner’s Directive 719 – Long-Term Supervision Orders

Why was the policy changed?

As a result of a recommendation made in a Board of Investigation, an amendment is required in Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 719 – Long-Term Supervision Orders to provide additional circumstances as to when the Charter warnings are to be issued to supervised offenders on a long-term supervision order (LTSO). The following changes, while in effect with the promulgation of this Policy Bulletin, will be reflected in CD 719 when it is updated in the future.

What has changed?

When there are reasonable grounds to believe that the offender has committed a breach of their LTSO and the offender is present, the following Charter warnings will be provided to them prior to conducting a non-routine search and prior to further interviewing them with respect to the breach:

I am here to [interview you/conduct a non-routine search] in relation to [a breach of your long-term supervision order/the suspension of your long-term supervision order]. You may be charged with breaching your LTSO.

I must, therefore, inform you that you don’t have to say anything. You have nothing to hope from any promise or favour and nothing to fear from any threat whether or not you say anything. Anything you do say may be used against you as evidence.

Furthermore, you have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay.

Do you understand?

You have the right to obtain legal advice without charge through a 24-hour telephone service that provides access to legal aid duty counsel.

Do you understand?

Do you want to call a lawyer before we continue?

How was it developed?

These amendments were developed by the Reintegration Operations Division, in consultation with the Security Branch, the LTSO Working Group and Strategic Policy.

Who will be affected by the policy?

Staff members responsible for the supervision of offenders who are subject to a LTSO.

Interim Commissioner,

Original signed by:

Anne Kelly

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