Policy bulletin 601

Policy Bulletin

Number: 601

In Effect: 2018-05-28

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Policy number and titles:

Guidelines 800-10 – Intellectual Disability

Why was the policy developed?

These new Guidelines provide direction to CSC personnel in responding to inmates who may be diagnosed with an intellectual disability.

What has changed?

Where, during the intake assessment process, there are reasonable grounds to believe that an inmate may have an intellectual disability (e.g., based on a mental health screening or a reference on file to a diagnosis), a referral will be made for an assessment and possible diagnosis/confirmation.

If the assessment results in a diagnosis/confirmation of intellectual disability, the accompanying report will specify the inmate’s limitations, including recommendations as to the provision of appropriate care and interventions and the level of support and assistance required.

How was it developed?

This policy was developed by the Health Services Sector in collaboration with Correctional Operations and Programs Sector and the Policy Sector, and in consultation with internal and external stakeholders.


Accountabilities are detailed in the Guidelines.

Who will be affected by the policy?

All personnel who work with inmates who may be diagnosed with an intellectual disability.

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