Policy bulletin 641

Policy numbers and titles:

Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 880 – Food Services

Guidelines (GL) 880-1 – Food Services Program

GL 880-2 – Nutrition Management Program

GL 880-3 – Religious Diets

GL 880-4 – Diets of Conscience

Why were the policies changed?

CD 880 has been revised to reflect the changes in processes that have occurred since the implementation of Food Services Modernization and to provide direction on these new processes.

What has changed?

A revised CD and four new Guidelines have been developed to replace the existing CD 880, Standard Operating Practices (SOP) 880-1 and SOP 880-2. The new Guidelines will provide direction on the following:

How were they developed?

Food Services at National Headquarters have drafted these documents in consultation with regional Food Services staff, Regional Administrators, Technical Services, the offices of primary interest at National Headquarters, as well as internal and external partners.

Who will be affected by the policies?

All staff involved with Food Services, Chaplaincy, other key stakeholders and all offenders receiving food will be affected by the policies.


National Headquarters, Regional Headquarters and institutional staff will be responsible for implementing these policies.

Expected cost?

Not applicable.

Other impacts?

No other impacts are anticipated with the promulgation of these policies.

Page details

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