Policy bulletin 671

Policy numbers and titles:

Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 580 – Discipline of Inmates

Guidelines (GL) 580-1 – Duties of the Serious Disciplinary Hearing Advisor and the Clerk

Why was the policy changed?

The CD was reviewed following a Board of Investigation recommendation to provide clarification on some aspects of the disciplinary process and requirements as a result of the Compliance and Operational Risk Report completed in the fall of 2017.

What has changed?

Substantive modifications were made to CD 580 – Discipline of Inmates. The most significant include:

GL 580-1

The Guidelines (GL) were created to describe the roles and responsibilities of the Serious Hearing Disciplinary Advisor and the Serious Hearing Disciplinary Clerk.

How was it developed?

The CD was revised and the GL were created by the Security Operations Division in collaboration with the Policy Sector. Full consultations were held with internal and external stakeholders, as well as the Inmate Committees.

Who will be affected by the policy?

Staff involved in the inmate disciplinary process, inmates, and Independent Chairpersons.


The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs, is responsible for this policy. Roles and responsibilities are outlined in the policy document.

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