Policy Bulletin 709

Policy numbers and titles:

Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 718 – Designation of Persons with Authority for Suspension, Apprehension or Recommitment

Why was this policy changed?

Following the identification of a policy gap in regards to direct revocations, CD 718 has been renamed and amended to identify the authority to designate positions to authorize the suspension, apprehension and recommitment of an offender on parole, statutory release or long term supervision, pursuant to sections 135, 135.1 and 136 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.

Previously, section 136 of the Act was ommitted from the sections under which the Commissioner could designate positions with these authorities.

What has changed?

Changes have been made to the title and throughout the CD to add the Commissioner’s legislative authority to designate persons with the authority to authorize the apprehension and recommitment of an offender on parole, statutory release or long-term supervision, pursuant to section 136 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, and add this reference to policy direction for the responsible positions identified.

Following the addition of section 136 to the policy, the terms "apprehension" and "recommitment" have been added to the policy title.

How was it developed?

The policy was developed by the Correctional Operations and Programs Sector, in consultation with the Strategic Policy Division.


Roles and Responsibilities are detailed in the policy document.

Who will be affected by this policy?

All persons occupying positions with designated authority for suspension, apprehension or recommitment.

Other impacts?


Page details

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