Commissioner's update for correctional employees: Visit Our New Let’s Talk Website
This content is a message to Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff from CSC's Commissioner.
Throughout the summer, I touched on how our Communications team has been busy reimagining ways to share our stories and promote a better awareness of the important work you do to change lives and protect Canadians.
I am happy to announce that we have relaunched Let’s Talk Express with a more modern design that puts a focus on digital storytelling through video, articles, and our new podcast series that we are launching later this fall.
The first digital issue of our magazine went live in September 2015. After nearly a decade, we decided to modernize it, making it easier for our audience to find our stories. The relaunch comes with a twist, as we have rebranded the site as Let’s Talk. This is a nod to our roots and the name of our original print magazine.
I invite you to visit the new site: Let’s Talk
Let’s Talk will be home for all CSC stories—written articles, videos, and podcasts. This means staff and public readers can find the most compelling stories about the people and programs at CSC in the same place.
Introducing the new Deputy Commissioner for Indigenous Corrections
I am also delighted that we are launching our new site with a story that highlights Kathy Neil, CSC’s first Deputy Commissioner for Indigenous Corrections. This is particularly timely, as tomorrow is National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, and Kathy speaks directly to this. I encourage you to read the article, watch both her Set the Path and Truth and Reconciliation videos. And, please share the link to the new site with your stakeholders and friends.
I also encourage you to share your feedback on the new Let's Talk website with our Communications team. As well, if you have ideas for future Let’s Talk story ideas, or would be interested in being featured in a video or article, let them know via email below:
- GEN-NHQ-Communications -- Please put “Let’s Talk” in your subject line.
Enjoy the stories about you and your colleagues!
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.
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