Commissioner's update for correctional employees: October 23, 2023

This content is a message to Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff from CSC's Commissioner.

October is Canadian Islamic History Month, which highlights the role that Muslim communities play in Canadian society. Muslims have lived in Canada since 1871 and contributed to every aspect of community life, such as the sciences, technology, humanities, and medicine. Canada is proudly home to 1.7 million Muslims, and Islam is the second largest religion in the country.

In light of the recent conflict in the Middle East, there has been a surge of misguided animosity toward Muslims. Hatred and intolerance are not acceptable at CSC or in our society. Everyone deserves understanding and respect. During Islamic History Month, I urge you to take this opportunity to learn about and celebrate the rich Muslim culture in our country.

Developing Canada’s Black Justice Strategy

CSC is working with Justice Canada and other Public Safety Portfolio colleagues to develop Canada’s Black Justice Strategy. The Strategy is the federal government’s response to anti-Black racism and systemic discrimination that has led to the overrepresentation of Black people in the criminal justice system, including victims of crime. It aims to ensure that Black people have access to equal treatment and equal protection before the law in Canada.

The Strategy is being developed in collaboration with an external steering group of Black experts and leaders in consultation with Black communities across Canada. It is expected to be completed early in 2024.

This fall, community-based organizations have been holding consultations in communities across the country, including some of our institutions. Thank you to all employees who have contributed to these important opportunities for incarcerated individuals to be heard.

Emerson Doyon Multiculturalism Award Winner

I would like to congratulate Diderot Roc on receiving the 2022–2023 Emerson Douyon Multiculturalism Award. Diderot is a Correctional Officer from the Federal Training Centre in the Quebec Region. On behalf of all of CSC, thank you for the work you are doing to foster respect, diversity, and inclusion within the Service and the community. Read TW@CSC for more information about the important work done by Diderot and the other nominees. 

Patient Safety Week

October 23 to 27 marks Canadian Patient Safety Week. This annual campaign promotes the importance of improving patient safety and quality of care. Beginning this past spring, our Health Services units underwent a rigorous accreditation process to ensure the healthcare that we provide meets professional standards. Receiving accreditation in areas like patient safety shows that we are committed to providing safe and quality healthcare to offenders.

I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that CSC’s healthcare providers and professionals do each and every day to ensure patient safety in our institutions.  


We are now well into our annual Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign. In my pop-up video message, I mentioned how important supporting our health partners is. In addition, I wanted to note that you can also direct your donation to organizations who aid people affected by ongoing humanitarian crises, such as the Canadian Red Cross, Humanitarian Coalition, or Doctors Without Borders. Your generosity absolutely helps people in our communities, but you can also support humanitarian charities who help those in other countries. This is timely given everything going on right now in several parts of the world, including the recent conflict in the Middle East.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to donate. Any donation amount makes a difference in helping deliver critical care and services when and where they are needed most. Your generosity is much appreciated.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

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