Celebrating 20 years of the National Ethnocultural Advisory Committee (NEAC)

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Organization: Correctional Service Canada
Date published: 2021-03-13
The National Ethnocultural Advisory Committee (NEAC) was created in 2001 to operate as a national group of experts to advise CSC on its services and interventions for ethnocultural offenders. Over the years, the committee has played an important role by building knowledge, contributing to policy and implementing initiatives. Here are examples of the NEAC's contribution.
Building knowledge of ethnocultural offenders
- KARIBU reference manual: provided insight on ethnocultural issues for community reintegration programs for ethnocultural offenders (2007)
- Successful Intercultural Mediation: Practical guide for professionals and trainers: resource to help frontline staff, volunteers and community groups resolve conflicts in diverse settings. (2008)
- In response to NEAC's request for services and interventions for ethnocultural offenders, CSC undertook a Qualitative Study on Gaps and Barriers to Program Access for Ethnic Minorities in Federal Corrections System (2009)
- Contributed to the book documenting the evolution of ethnocultural services at CSC called Ethnocultural Minorities and the Canadian Correctional System by Dr. Emerson Douyon (2016)
Contributing to policies and governance
- Creation of a dedicated team at CSC to manage and monitor interventions and services for ethnocultural offenders. (2006)
- Recommended a House of Commons motion to recognize the contribution of ethnocultural communities to crime prevention (2007)
- CSC Multiculturalism Award renamed the Emerson Douyon Multiculturalism Award in honour of Dr. Douyon, founding member and first chair of the NEAC. (2012)
- Recommended amendments to Commissioner's Directive (CD) 767, Ethnocultural Offenders: Services and Interventions (2015)
- Collaborated with CSC to develop a charter of mutual commitments between NEAC and CSC (2018)
Implementing initiatives for ethnocultural offenders
- Contributed to the creation of a directory with CSC staff available to assist offenders faced with communication barriers. Refreshed in 2019, it covers close to 50 different languages. (2007)
- Established collaboration between CSC and the Family Unification and Resettlement Initiative (FURI) for the reintegration of offenders deported to Jamaica (2009)
- In response to NEAC's request, CSC committed to additional, ongoing funding for special projects to support services and interventions for ethnocultural offenders (2009)
- Collected toys, books, magazines and newspapers from ethnic minority communities to increase the diversity of the literature in institutional libraries and create more welcoming and inclusive visiting areas. (2014)
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