Path Home: Release Planning Kit - Section 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act
Table of contents
- The Path to Reintegration: Introduction
- Background Information
- The Section 84 Process
- Your Role in the Section 84 Release Planning Process
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Who To Contact
- Annex A - Sample Letter from Offender to Initiate the section 84 Process
- Annex B - Sample Letter from Institutional Parole Officer/Primary Worker/Aboriginal Community Development Officer to Inform Community of section 84 Process
- Annex C - Sample Letter from Offender to Community Following Community Response
The Path to Reintegration: Introduction
The Aboriginal Initiatives Directorate of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has a mandate to create partnerships and strategies that enhance the safe and timely reintegration of Aboriginal offenders into the community. CSC works with Aboriginal communities, both rural and urban, throughout the country to increase the role that communities play in the reintegration process. To help communities get involved, CSC has prepared this guide to help you understand what reintegration means, how it works, who is involved, and what the process is.
This guide has been created as a tool to help you understand reintegration and your feedback is important. Please contact CSC with any comments or suggestions you may have:
Correctional Service of Canada
Aboriginal Initiatives Directorate
340 Laurier Ave. West
Ottawa, ON K1A 0P9
Phone: (613) 943-2363
Fax: (613) 943-0493
Email: gen-nhq
The Mission of the Correctional Service of Canada
The Correctional Service of Canada, as part of the criminal justice system and respecting the rule of law, contributes to public safety by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure, and humane control.
CSC's Mission reflects what all communities want: a place where families can raise children in safety and a place where the rights of victims and offenders can be viewed in a balanced and a respectful way. Part of creating safe communities is having the right support for offenders when they are released. Communities play an important role in this.
Background Information
Beginning the Journey
The laws that govern federal corrections include specific elements that encourage Aboriginal communities to be involved in the correctional process. Section 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA) gives Aboriginal communities the opportunity to become active partners in the release planning and supervision of Aboriginal offenders.
Section 84
If an inmate expresses an interest in being released to an Aboriginal community, the Service shall, with the inmate's consent, give the Aboriginal community:
- adequate notice of the inmate's parole review or statutory release date, as the case may be; and
- an opportunity to propose a plan for the inmate's release and integration into that community.
Most federal offenders will be released back to the community. Section 84, encourages Aboriginal communities to be part of the release process. There is great value in involving the community in the process. The successful reintegration of Aboriginal offenders into society benefits from a strong and effective community focus.
Release planning begins the moment an offender enters a CSC facility. A Correctional Plan is developed with the offender. It identifies the programs and activities in which the offender will participate during his/her sentence. These teach skills and attitudes that help reduce the risk the offender presents when he/she returns to society. The release plan also clearly outlines what the community will do to support the offender.
If the offender is interested in section 84, an Aboriginal community may be approached early in the sentence to consider participating in the development of a release plan. This early planning helps increase the offender's success once on release. The community should stay informed about the efforts the offender makes while incarcerated. This encourages the offender to continue those efforts. It also helps reinforce the community's expectations of the offender's behaviour before and after release.
Section 84.1 Long-Term Supervision Order
Canada's courts impose a long-term supervision order. An offender who receives this order is supervised according to the CCRA. The long-term supervision order begins when the offender has finished serving all of his/her institution time and is once again living in the community. The period of supervision cannot total more than ten years at any time.
Section 84.1 of the CCRA places the same legal responsibility on CSC as section 84 when an offender who is required to be supervised under a long-term supervision order expresses an interest in being supervised in an Aboriginal community.
Incarceration and Release
While incarcerated, offenders are encouraged to address the causes and issues that led to their criminal behaviour. CSC programs and services address addictions, violent behaviour, ethno-cultural issues, and sexual offences. Aboriginal offenders can improve their education and employment skills as well as their living skills. They also have the chance to turn to Elders for counselling, spiritual teachings, and guidance.
Offenders spend a great deal of time preparing to be released from an institution. The CCRA recognizes that programs and services must be provided to support them upon release. Conditional release allows some offenders to continue serving their sentences in the community. They receive supervision and support to ensure that they are successful. Before an offender is released into the community, the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) considers his/her potential for successful reintegration into the community. This includes looking at how committed the offender has been to making improvements in his/her life during his/her time in the institution.
There are Four Different Types of Release:
Temporary Absence
A temporary absence (escorted or unescorted) is usually the first type of release an offender will receive. This release may be granted for many different reasons. These include:
- work in community service projects
- employment
- contact with family members
- personal development
- medical reasons
- participation in ceremonies and community gatherings
Day Parole
Day parole lets offenders participate in community-based activities. This helps them prepare for release on full parole or statutory release. It gradually gives them more freedom. Offenders on this type of release must return to their residence every night. This may be the institution, community residential facility or centre, halfway house or Aboriginal community (under section 84).
Full Parole
Full parole allows offenders to serve the remainder of their sentence in the community. This is done under the supervision of a Parole Officer. An offender must serve the first third of his/her sentence or the first seven years, whichever is less, before being granted release on full parole.
Statutory Release
By law, most federal offenders must be released into the community under supervision after serving two-thirds of their sentences. Some offenders are not allowed to be released on statutory release. These include offenders serving life sentences and those who are deemed to be too dangerous to be released into the community.
The Section 84 Process
There are several steps involved in the reintegration process:
CSC informs Aboriginal federal offenders of section 84 and the process. If the inmate wishes, he/she begins the process by writing a letter to a community asking for its support.
A representative of CSC establishes contact with the community. They discuss whether the community is interested in supporting the offender on his/her release.
If the community is interested in proceeding, release planning options are discussed. This involves the offender, the community, and the CSC representatives.
CSC presents the complete release plan to the PBC when offenders apply for parole. The PBC makes the final release decision.
The Aboriginal Community Development Officer (ACDO) and/or the Parole Officer will provide the Aboriginal community with information on how to prepare a proposed release plan.
Your Role in the Section 84 Release Planning Process
The Offender:
The offender's role in the process is important. He/she must initiate the development of the plan with the community. Even if advance work has been done, the offender should make a formal request to the community. This request explains his/her wish to be released there and asks the community if it will participate in the process. This is best done in writing. As soon as an offender enters the federal correctional system, he/she has the following roles and responsibilities related to section 84:
Let the Parole Officer/ primary worker know of his/her interest in developing a section 84 release plan as soon as possible.
Write a letter to the community indicating interest in returning to the community on release.
Show commitment to following the correctional plan put in place for his/her personal development and healing while incarcerated.
Apply for day parole indicating his/her interest in the section 84 release planning process. The timing for making an application for day parole depends on the length of the sentence and the eligibility dates set for parole.
If the community agrees to be involved, the offender is expected to work with CSC representatives and the community to develop a release plan.
The Aboriginal community:
The CCRA defines Aboriginal Community as being a First Nation, Tribal Council, Band, community, organization, or other group with a predominantly Aboriginal leadership. The community may get involved in release planning during one of the following two phases:
Advance Preparation:
Even before offenders have expressed interest, CSC staff may contact a community to promote awareness of the section 84 process. Staff determine if the community is interested in proposing release plans for offenders. At this time, CSC staff and the community can develop guidelines that lay out how to proceed if an offender indicates that he/she would like to return to that community when released. These advance preparations make it easier to develop release plans if and when they are needed.
Case-related Preparation:
When an offender asks for release to a particular community, he/she must agree to share information relevant to the principles outlined earlier. CSC will contact the community. Ideally, this will happen early in the sentence. The community is asked to respond as soon as possible in order that the offender can be informed of the decision and make appropriate plans for his/her release.
If the community decides to participate, it will work closely with the offender, the ACDO, and the Parole Officer. Together they will develop an effective release plan. It is important for this plan to be acceptable to the community, the offender, and to CSC. Aboriginal communities are encouraged to identify specific services and resources available that address the needs of offenders.
The following are the steps a community may follow upon receiving a request from an offender:
- Decide whether or not to participate in the section 84 release planning process.
- Respond in writing to the offender or the institutional Parole Officer/Primary Worker.
- Review the offender's personal information before making a final decision whether to proceed with the process. (The offender will sign a consent form to release his/her relevant personal information to the community.)
If the community agrees to be involved in the section 84 release planning process:
- It will work with the offender, the institutional Parole Officer/Primary Worker, and the ACDO to discuss a future release plan. The plan will identify how the community will provide support and assistance to the offender upon his/her release.
- As the release approaches, the community will work with the community Parole Officer and ACDO in developing the final release plan.
- When the offender is released into the community, the community will work closely with the community Parole Officer in supporting the offender on his/her release.
The Parole Officer/Primary Worker:
Parole Officers/Primary Workers working within the institution or in the community are key in the process of developing a section 84 release plan. The Parole Officer/Primary Worker works with other CSC staff. Together, they write assessments that outline what the offender needs in the institution and what he/she will need in the community upon release. These assessments are used to develop plans for the programming and treatment the offender will receive. The goal is to help him/her be successful when released. The Parole Officer/Primary Worker works directly with the offender, the Aboriginal community, and CSC staff in developing the section 84 release plan.
The Community Parole Officer:
Informs the offender of the section 84 release planning process during the preliminary assessment.
Flags the offender's interest in the Offender Management System (OMS) for those identified during the Preliminary Assessment Phase.
If the offender expresses interest, informs the community contact (identified Band/Municipal Council member, Friendship Centre representative, treatment centre representative, etc.) during the post-sentence community assessment. Gathers information on community resources and support available.
- Section 84 information must be included in the post-sentence community assessment and the preliminary assessment.
After the community Parole Officer finishes the post-sentence community assessment and the preliminary assessment, the offender has to go through the reception process and the institutional Intake Parole Officer/ Primary Worker takes over.
After the institutional Parole Officer initiates the section 84 release planning process, the community Parole Officer and the ACDO develop the section 84 release in partnership with the Aboriginal community and with the input of the offender.
The Intake Parole Officer/Primary Worker:
Discusses section 84 with the offender and flags the offender's interest in OMS for those identified at intake.
If the offender is interested, then his/her correctional plan will reflect what the community can offer through the section 84 release planning process.
The Institutional Parole Officer/Primary Worker:
Flags the offender's interest in OMS for those not identified at intake.
Discusses section 84 with the offender. All relevant information about the offender is shared verbally with the community after the offender signs the "Consent for Disclosure Form".
Initiates the development of a community strategy for the section 84 release planning process that incorporates the offender's input.
Evaluates the community strategy and incorporates it into the assessment for decision. This is submitted to PBC for the offender's conditional release parole hearing.
The Aboriginal Community Development Officer:
Supports and promotes Aboriginal community involvement in the section 84 release planning process.
Completes a community assessment, which outlines what services the community can offer the offender.
Assists in building a healthy relationship between the Aboriginal community and the offender to support and maintain a successful reintegration process.
Ensures a support system is in place for the offender to access throughout the section 84 release planning process and after the offender is released.
Assists in section 84 planning with the institutional and community Parole Officers.
The Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer:
Liaises with Aboriginal organizations, agencies or communities to maintain resources and contacts for Aboriginal offenders who are being released to the community.
Provides support for Aboriginal offenders and guidance to available services during their transition to the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a "correctional service"?
A "correctional service" is a service that actively encourages and helps offenders to become law-abiding citizens. It facilitates their successful return to society. For example CSC offers:
- Programs and activities for offenders.
- Custodial services.
- Activities or services that promote the safe and successful reintegration of offenders into the community.
- Supervision of offenders on release. This ensures that they obey the terms and conditions of release, that they maintain a crime-free lifestyle, and that any risk they present is manageable.
- The completion of community assessments. These assessments are carried out for a variety of reasons. They are required to provide information about the community or about a member of the community who was directly affected by the offender's crime. CSC ensures that services are available, that they are effective, and that the people providing those services will offer a positive environment to encourage healing and a crime-free lifestyle for the offender.
How does an offender apply for section 84?
To start the process, the offender writes to a community representative who has already been identified to CSC. He/she requests the community's involvement in the release planning process. CSC will then formally notify the community representative of the offender's upcoming parole dates. If no contact person has been designated, the offender's letter and CSC notification will be sent to the Chief, Council, Mayor, or head of the community.
It is important that there is a contact person in the community who is responsible for coordinating the development of release plans. This person (or group) may be the Justice Worker or someone involved in Justice Committees. He/she must be authorized to speak on the community's behalf. The selection should be based on his/her role in the community, and experience with justice and/or corrections issues.
How does CSC provide for the application of section 84?
Section 84 of the CCRA was established in law and governs CSC. The statute was developed to respond to concerns that the Aboriginal community was not being given the opportunity to be involved in corrections issues that affect Aboriginal people. Section 84 is based on the premise that encouraging community participation in the reintegration of offenders is an effective way to restore balance and make reparation for harm done. It allows the principles of restorative justice to be applied in cases that involve Aboriginal offenders and communities.
CSC will work with communities as their plans develop. It will provide the support, training, and assistance that it can.
When a section 84 is involved, at what point should the community interact with the offender?
The earlier the offender contacts the community and the community agrees to take part, the better. Ideally, the community's participation should begin when the offender enters the federal correctional system. Good release planning involves the community from the beginning. It identifies the activities the offender will pursue not only within the institution but also during the portion of the sentence that will be served in the community.
CSC must meet strict time lines in presenting applications to PBC. Since the release plan prepared by the community is part of an offender's application, the community should be informed and involved by the time the offender begins to prepare his/her case for parole or prepares for release.
Can an offender be escorted temporarily into the community before release?
Yes, as long as legal and security requirements are met. This gives the offender and the community an opportunity to prepare good release plans. Culturally appropriate processes, such as healing and/or talking circles, in the community may be used to talk about the healing efforts the offender has undertaken in the institution and the support that will be needed when the offender is released to a community. The process could involve more than one temporary absence from the institution.
What elements need to be in a release plan? To whom is it submitted?
To prepare a good release plan, communities should consider questions like:
What programs or resources are available in your community (e.g., Elders, AA meetings, Healing circle, mental health workers)? Will these resources meet the offender's needs? How will they be made available to him/her?
Are there employment opportunities for the offender? (i.e., is there any industry in the community in which there are often job openings? Are there traditional employment opportunities such as hunting?)
Where and with whom will the offender live when he/she returns to your community? In the case of day parole, does the justice committee support anyone to contract a private home placement?
Are there community support people whom the offender could contact regularly before he/she is released to begin establishing a circle of support? Who are they?
If the offender cannot find employment how will he/she meet his/her financial needs? (i.e., what options, such as social assistance, exist?)
Are there concerns about the offender's return to the community that relate to victims? If so, what methods(s) can be used to address them?
What are your expectations of the offender's compliance with the proposed plan? How would you like to see compliance enforced? Who will act as liaison to collect and provide this information to the supervising Parole Officer? To what extent are you willing to assume the responsibility for monitoring the offender's behaviour?
Do you want the offender to participate in community activities or ceremonies in order to prepare the plan prior to release or as a way of helping the offender in the process of returning to the community? What are your expectations of the offender's behaviour in the community? Are there any measures you wish to propose to ensure that these expectations are met?
Are there safety issues that concern the offender and/or the victim(s)? What measures are required to address these?
How can communities ensure that an offender is not released into their communities without their knowledge?
CSC recognizes its responsibility to keep Aboriginal communities informed. To help with this, it is important that the community designate a representative who is willing to act as a contact person/liaison.
A community that is developing a plan under section 84 will know when an offender will be released. If the community was not involved in developing the release plan, CSC will conduct a community assessment before the offender's release. Once a community representative is identified, CSC can consult him/her as part of the community assessment. At the same time, arrangements can be made to inform the community of the results of the parole hearing.
Offenders may also be released automatically (by law on Statutory Release) after serving two thirds of their sentence. In these cases, a section 84 release plan may not have been put together with the community. As well, offenders on parole may seek permission to move to an Aboriginal community, or to travel there to visit someone.
When offenders arrive in a community unexpectedly, we encourage the community representative to contact the area Parole Office to discuss the situation.
Can the community participate in parole hearings?
Yes. PBC welcomes observers at hearings. The offender can also ask to have an assistant present. This could be a community member who has been involved in release planning. Under certain circumstances, PBC will conduct Community Hearings in Aboriginal communities. A circle process led by a PCB Elder can be used for these hearings. This can involve the input of community members.
If a community has made a section 84 arrangement with one offender, is it obligated to accept applications from others in the future?
No. Section 84 release plans are considered on a case-by-case basis.
When section 84 is invoked, how can a community involve the victim(s) in the process?
When the community decides that this is important, CSC and PBC will work to involve the victim(s). The community may propose the manner in which this will be done. Any legal responsibilities CSC and PBC have to the victim(s) must be respected.
It is important that any interaction between the victim(s) and the offender be planned carefully by the community. CSC must ensure the safety and rights of both parties are protected. If a meeting between the victim(s) and the offender is considered, factors that must be well thought out include, at a minimum:
- the voluntary participation of both the victim(s) and the offender;
- any work necessary to prepare both the victim(s) and the offender;
- a safe environment for both the victim(s) and the offender; and
- the skill and experience of those bringing the victim(s) and the offender together.
If the victim(s) submits a written request indicating that he/she only wants to receive information about the offender's release, CSC or PBC will keep him/her informed of hearing and release dates.
How long does it usually take to invoke a section 84 from the time a community first becomes involved to the time an offender is released into its care?
There is no average length of time. It depends on when the community becomes involved. The sooner the contact is made with the community the better. This is true even if the offender is serving a long-term sentence.
When PBC receives an application for parole or begins an automatic review, a six-month review date is set. Simultaneously a meeting is scheduled with the offender for the month prior to that date. Furthermore, PBC must receive and review information no later than 21 days before the hearing is held. CSC encourages the community's involvement right at the beginning of the sentence to help support the offender throughout his/her incarceration.
What if an offender violates one of the less serious conditions of his/her parole in the community under a section 84 release? (For example, what if he/she stops attending AA or NA meetings? What is the authority vested in the community- Community Justice Committee or Band/Municipal Council?)
When an offender is granted a release, CSC is normally responsible for parole supervision. The Parole Officer has some authority to suspend a release, but often the final authority to cancel it rests with PBC.
In cases where parole supervision is provided under contract, the specific responsibilities and authorities are established in the contract.
When an offender is living in a community through a section 84 arrangement, the respective responsibilities and authorities of the community may be established with the area Parole Office. These will vary, depending on the circumstances and the wishes of the community. In all cases, the community needs to work closely with the Parole Officer responsible for supervising the offender.
When an offender violates the conditions of parole, CSC has several options, including suspending parole.
The primary consideration in weighing these options is determining whether the chosen measure will correct the behaviour and prevent another offence. These options might include:
Requiring a further commitment from the offender that he/she will follow the conditions in the future and discussing the consequences of another failure;
Assessing the conditions and determining if other approaches might be more effective (for example, connecting with another resource or person);
Increasing supervision by the Parole Officer;
Temporarily returning the offender to an institution. The Parole Officer may exercise this option if alternative conditions do not improve the offender's adherence to release conditions, and if the behaviour is linked to his or her pattern of offending. Specific programming may be required in the institution. A decision can be made to return the offender to the community if he/she makes progress. All this will be done in consultation with the community.
How would section 84 be applied in an urban setting?
The CCRA defines an "Aboriginal community" as a First Nation, Tribal Council, Band, community organization, or other group with a predominantly Aboriginal leadership. This means that a non-profit community agency, for example, could be asked to prepare a release plan. It is the responsibility of the offender to identify the agency or group.
Remember that the intent of this legislation is to promote the involvement of the Aboriginal community in the release process. The goal is to ensure that this proceeds in a manner that protects the community and increases the offender's chance of success. CSC will work with any Aboriginal community, organization or group (on reserve, urban, or rural) that wishes to present a plan that will achieve these objectives.
It should be noted that this process is not an alternative to incarceration. Rather, it is an option for the release of an offender. This is one of the many options available to an offender who is preparing for release.
Does CSC consider the offender's Aboriginal social history?
Yes, CSC recognizes that Aboriginal offenders bring with them specific historical experiences that may have contributed to their criminal behaviour. CSC considers the Aboriginal offender's social history in all the decisions made throughout the offender's sentence.
Who to Contact
Atlantic Region
Regional Headquarters
1045 Main Street, 2nd Floor
Moncton, NB
E1C 1H1
Tel: (506) 851-6311
Pacific Region
Regional Headquarters
Unit 100
33991 Gladys Avenue
Abbotsford, BC
V2S 2E8
Tel: (604) 870-2500
Quebec Region Region
Ste-Anne-des-Plaines Complex
Aboriginal Initiatives Regional Division
244 Montée Gagnon
Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, QC
J0N 1H0
Tel: (450) 478-5933
Prairie Region
Regional Headquarters
2313 Hanselman Place
P.O. Box 9223
Saskatoon, SK
V2S 2E8
Tel: (306) 975-5002
Ontario Region
Regional Headquarters
443 Union Street
P.O. Box 1174
Kingston, ON
K7L 4Y8
Tel: (613) 536-4243
National Headquarters
Aboriginal Initiatives Directorate
340 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0P9
Tel: (613) 943-2363
Fax: (613) 943-0439
Email: gen-nhq
Annex A - Sample Letter from Offender to Initiate the Section 84 Process
(Offender's name)
(City and Province)
(Postal Code)
(Name of Aboriginal Community)
Attention: (Chief, Council and Mayor or other)
(City and Province)
(Postal Code)
File: Section 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA)
Dear (Chief and Council or Other),
I am writing to you in regard to section 84 of the CCRA, which states:
84) If an inmate expresses an interest in being released into an Aboriginal community, the Service shall, with the inmate's consent, give the Aboriginal community:
(a) adequate notice of the inmate's parole review or statutory release date, as the case may be; and
(b) an opportunity to propose a plan for the inmate's release and integration into that community.
As you are aware, section 84 of the CCRA allows for Aboriginal communities to participate in the release planning and reintegration of their members before and after they are released.
Upon my release, I am planning on returning to my community (or name of community) and I am seeking your assistance with my release and reintegration plans. I would appreciate if you would support me by approving a representative from the community to assist me with the process.
I am committed to re-establishing myself in the community. I would like to provide you with further details about myself, my plans, and ways in which you can facilitate this process. Please respond to this request in writing at the above address.
I look forward to your reply.
(Closing words,)
Offender's name
cc: Institutional Parole Officer
Area Director
Annex B - Sample Letter from Institutional Parole Officer/Primary Worker/Aboriginal Community Development Officer to Inform Community of section 84 Process
(Name of Aboriginal Community)
Attention: (Chief, Council and Mayor or other)
(City and Province)
(Postal Code)
Re: Section 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA)
Dear Sir/Madame,
I am writing to provide you with some information about section 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.
You should have received a letter from (Mr./Ms xxxx) who is an offender at (xxxx) Institution. (A copy of this letter is attached for your convenience.) (Mr./Ms xxxx) has been sentenced to a period of incarceration in a Federal Institution. (He/She) will be eligible to make application to the Parole Board of Canada for day parole on (xxxx) and to make application for full parole on (xxxx.) If (he/she) is denied parole, eventually (he/she) will be eligible for Statutory Release to the community.
In order to be safely released into the community, the Parole Board will consider a number of factors. An important factor is the work (Mr./Ms xxxx) has undertaken while in the institution to address the factors leading up to (his/her) criminal behaviour in order to reduce the risk of committing another offence. Other factors are the community environment to which he/she will be released and the programs, service, and support that will be available in the community.
Section 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act makes special provision for offenders applying for release to an Aboriginal community. It says that when an inmate is interested CSC, with the offender's consent, will inform the Aboriginal community of this application and provide the community with an opportunity to propose a plan for his/her release into the community. I have attached a brochure that provides more information on section 84 as well as a series of questions and answers to help you understand how the process works.
Section 84 does not obligate the community to prepare a plan; however, we believe that good community involvement and support for an offender are important to (his/her) success on release. I encourage you to work with (Mr./Ms xxxx) and myself in preparing such a plan. To give you an idea of what such a plan might involve, I have attached a copy of a guide designed to assist communities in the process.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached at : (xxx-xxx-xxxx.)
Yours sincerely,
(Parole Officer's name)
Attachments: Section 84 Information Package
Annex C - Sample Letter from Offender to Community Following Community Response
(Offender's name)
(City and Province)
(Postal Code)
(Name of Aboriginal Community)
Attention: (Chief, Council and Mayor or other)
(City and Province)
(Postal Code)
File: Section 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA)
Dear (Chief and Council or Other),
Further to your letter dated (insert date of correspondence) regarding section 84 of the CCRA, I am providing you with information about myself, my offence (optional), and my future plans. I have also attached a letter of support from (name and title.)
Prior to my incarceration, I … (include where you lived and what you were doing.) Currently, I am incarcerated at … (name of institution) for the following offence(s) (state offence type(s)–optional.) I have been involved in a number of programs and activities since my arrival including: (list programs and activities. This has allowed me to … (discuss what you have learned from these programs and activities and what impact they have had on you.)
I look forward to returning to my community because … (list some reasons why you want to return (or go) to the community and what are your intentions.) My plans for my release and reintegration include… (list other plans, e.g. employment, training, education, programs, personal growth/development, spiritual development [access to Elders, ceremonies, others.]) I will require some assistance with preparing and carrying out these plans.
In order that you have the necessary information to assist me with my release and reintegration under section 84 of the CCRA, I have attached a consent form whereby you may access my Correctional Service of Canada files to obtain the information you require.
I look forward to further corresponding with you on this matter.
(Closing words,)
Offender's name
cc: Institutional Parole Officer
Area Director
Attachment: Consent Form
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