Volunteers: Working Together Towards Public Safety

Volunteers: Working Together Towards Public Safety
Volunteering opportunities at Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
Thousands of volunteers from all walks of life work with offenders and ex-offenders in federal correctional institutions and communities across the country.
Volunteers are an integral part of many offenders' lives, whether the offender is in prison or on parole. By bringing the community into the correctional environment, volunteers help offenders function more effectively upon release into the community.
As a volunteer, you can:
- act as a positive role model;
- work with offenders from various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds;
- help deliver programs to offenders;
- help offenders access services to re-direct their lives upon release;
- provide advice to CSC, based on community feedback; and
- play an important role in the rehabilitation process.
Volunteering in institutions
Volunteers provide many institutional-based programs and services, including:
- educational and vocational training;
- chaplaincy and circles of support;
- substance abuse programs;
- multicultural and ethnic programs;
- Aboriginal liaison;
- recreation and cultural activities; and
- escorts into the community.
Volunteering in our communities
Volunteers support families of incarcerated offenders and help released offenders re-adjust to life in the community. You can also volunteer with our community partner agencies, such as the John Howard Society and Elizabeth Fry Society.
"Their appreciation is sincere and as volunteers we feel that. I do not recall a single time that offenders failed to express their appreciation for a visit."
Benefits of volunteering
- You can share your talents and skills and contribute to the safety of your community.
- You will have an opportunity to grow both professionally and personally.
- You receive the satisfaction of knowing that you make a difference.
- You provide a vital link between the correctional system, the offender and the community.
To find out more
Join the thousands of volunteers who are making a difference every day and contribute to the safety of your community. CSC is committed to achieving a skilled, diverse volunteer base that reflects the cultural diversity of our offender population.
If you are over the age of majority in your province and are willing to undergo screening and training, you could have what it takes to be a CSC volunteer.
Contact Us
Atlantic Region
Phone: 506-851-3938
Quebec Region
Phone: 450-972-7688
Email: 301-Coord.Liaisonaveclacollectivite@csc-scc.gc.ca
Ontario Region
Phone: 613-545-5511
Email: GEN-ONT-RHQ-Communit@csc-scc.gc.ca
Prairie Region
Phone: 306-975-6017
Email: 500CitizenEngagement@csc-scc.gc.ca
Pacific Region
Phone: 604-870-6872
Email: GenPacRHQCitizenEnga@csc-scc.gc.ca
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