Elder Trudy

Elder Trudy talks about working with Indigenous female offenders at Buffalo Sage Healing Lodge in Edmonton, Alberta.

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For me, it's about meeting them where they're at.

And empowering them with their own healing.

Because I think sometimes they don't feel like they have choices.

Pathways to Healing


Indigenous Elder

Hi, my name is Trudy. I'm an elder.

Our healing lodges carry people, yes, offenders,

but you know what, we all make mistakes and we all need that break and that understanding of where we're coming from. 

The first thing that comes to mind is wahutu'in and mio wich'atu'in.

Wahutu'in is that relationship among all people and all things. 

Mio wich'atu'in is that relationship between people. 

And I think, I guess if you look at the explanation of what that word means, it means walking together.


The women inspire me to keep moving forward because I know that until our women walk in a good way, there's not going to be healing for the communities.

So being able to help the women, we help the children, we help the future.

I can't say that I'm proud because I feel more honored, because I get the opportunity to walk with people.

You know, I think part of it is we think that we're doing a service. But you know what, them allowing us to walk with them is the honor in itself, because they've been hurt, they're trauma, they're all of that. 

And to be able to open up and to see people for who they are. So I guess that's, I don't see it as proud, I see it as an honor.



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