Indigenous offenders

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Please note that when sufficient data is available for analysis, research findings are presented for Indigenous and non-Indigenous sub-groups. Publications in other categories may also provide information specific to Indigenous Offenders.

R-476 Revalidation of the Custody Rating Scale for Indigenous Women Offenders (2023) new

R-473 Revalidation of the Custody Rating Scale for Indigenous Men Offenders (2023)

R-470 A Qualitative Study of Experiences at Women’s Healing Lodges (2023)

R-469 Understanding the Profile Characteristics and Correctional Experiences of Indigenous Federal Offenders: A Review of Research Results (2023)

R-465_I Indigenous Men Affiliated with Security Threat Groups (STGs) Compared to the General Indigenous Men Offender Population (2023) new

R-462 Examination of the Drivers of Success for Section 84 Releases to Indigenous Communities (2023)

R-457_R Use of Force and Race: Profile and Institutional Experience (2023) new

R-452_M Impacts of Indigenous Intervention Centres on Men's Institutional Behaviour (2023)

R-452_W Impacts of Indigenous Intervention Centres on Women's Institutional Behaviour (2023)

R-451 Comparing Characteristics, Institutional Adjustment, and Post-Release Success of Security Threat Groups (STGs) (Farrell MacDonald, S., Smeth, A., Cram., & Derkzen, D., 2023) new

R-444 Experiences at Men's CSC-operated Healing Lodges: A Qualitative Examination (Ridha, T., Hanby, L., & Sullivan, R., 2023)

R-437_C Comparison of CSC-operated and Section 81 Healing Lodges (Hanby, Ridha, Sullivan and Farrell MacDonald, 2022)

R-437_W Impacts of Indigenous Healing Lodges for Women (Hanby, Ridha, Sullivan, and Farrell MacDonald, 2022)

R-437_M Impacts of Indigenous Healing Lodges for Men (Hanby, Ridha, Sullivan, and Farrell MacDonald, 2022)

R-414 Revalidation of the Security Reclassification Scale (SRS) (Farrell-MacDonald, Beauchamp, Conley, Cociu and Scott, 2018)

R-400 Can calculated ratings improve the Dynamic Factors Identification and Analysis - Revised? (Wilton, Stewart and Motiuk, 2017)

R-395_I Indigenous Offenders: Major Findings from the DFIA-R Research Studies (Stewart, Wardrop, Wilton, Thompson, Derkzen and Motiuk, 2017)

R-395 Reliability and Validity of the Dynamic Factors Identification and Analysis - Revised (Stewart, Wardrop, Wilton, Thompson, Derkzen and Motiuk, 2017)

R-394 Minimum Security Women: A Profile (Wardrop, Thompson and Derkzen, 2018)

R-392 Suicide Risk Assessment Instruments: A Review of Current Literature (Brown, Hoffman, Neufeld and Mrozewski, 2017)

R-391 Assessment of the Aboriginal Women Offender Correctional Programs (AWOCP): Outcomes (Derkzen, Harris and Wardrop, 2017)

R-389 The Relationship between Length of Incarceration and Recidivism (Rubenfeld and Somerville, M.C. 2017)

R-380 Who is Detained Past Statutory Release? (Schultheis, Helmus and Johnson, 2017)

R-371 Buffalo Sage Wellness House (BSWH) Section 81 Healing Lodge Process Review (Pilon, Jewell, Wormith and Laboucane-Benson, 2015)

R-362 Ethnocultural Offenders: An Initial Investigation of Social History Variables at Intake (Keown, Gobeil, Biro and Ritchie, 2015)

R-356 Aboriginal Social History Factors in Case Management (Keown, Gobeil, Biro and Beaudette, 2015)

R-342 Aboriginal Women: An Overview of the Correctional Process from Admission to Warrant Expiry (Thompson and Gobeil, 2015)

R-341 Aboriginal Women: Profile and Changing Population (Beaudette, Cheverie and Gobeil, 2014)

R-328 Outcomes of Federal Indigenous Offenders in Correctional Programs: Follow-up from the ICPM Evaluation (Stewart and Wilton, 2014)

R-325 Developing the Risk of Administrative Segregation Tool (RAST) to Predict Admissions to Segregation (Helmus, Johnson and Harris, 2014)

R-321 Profile of Aboriginal Men Offenders: Custody and Supervision Snapshots (Farrell-MacDonald, 2014)

R-320 A Profile of Women in Segregation (Thompson and Rubenfeld, 2013)

R-319 A Culturally-Informed and Culturally-Safe Exploration of Self-Injury Desistance in Indigenous Offenders (Beaudette, Nolan, Power, Varis and Ritchie, 2014)

R-317 Staff Perspectives on Working with Indigenous Offenders who Self-Injure: What Works, What Doesn't, and the Role of Culture (Power, Beaudette and Varis, 2014)

R-314 Self-Reported Physical Health Status of Newly Admitted Federally-Sentenced Men Offenders (Stewart, Sapers, Nolan and Power, 2014)

R-304 Factors Related to Community Supervision Outcomes: Revocations (Thompson, Forrester and Stewart, 2015)

R-273 Revalidation of the Custody Rating Scale for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Women Offenders (Barnum and Gobeil, 2012)

R-247 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in a correctional population: Prevalence, screening and characteristics (MacPherson, Chudley and Grant, 2011)

R-246 The Effectiveness of Correctional Programs with Diverse Offenders: A Meta-Analytic Study (Usher and Stewart, 2011)

R-239 Recidivism Risk Assessment for Aboriginal Males: A Brief Review of the Scientific Literature (Harris, Cousineau, Pagé, Sonnichesen and Varrette, 2011)

R-237 Aboriginal Men: A Summary of the Findings of the 2007 National Inmate Infectious Diseases and Risk-Behaviours Survey (Thompson, Zakaria and Grant, 2011)

R-222 Twenty years later: Revisiting the Task Force on Federally Sentenced Women (Barrett, Allenby, Taylor, 2010)

R-217 The Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program (AOSAP): Examining the effects of successful completion on post-release outcomes (Kunic and Varis, 2010)

B-51 Assessment of the Aboriginal Women's Maintenance Program (Derkzen and Allenby, 2012)

ERR-24-04 Experiences at O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi Healing Lodge (2024) new

ERR-23-38 Waseskun Healing Centre: Experiences and Perspectives (2023) new

ERR-23-28Experiences at Prince Albert Grand Council Spiritual Healing Lodge (2023)

ERR-23-11 Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge: Resident, Elder, and Staff Experiences (2023) new

ERR-23-10 Eagle Women's Lodge: Resident and Staff Experiences (2023) new

ERR-23-09 Buffalo Sage Wellness House: Resident, Elder, and Staff Experiences (2023) new

ERR-21-01 Indigenous Intervention Centres: Profile of Participants (2022)

ERR-20-12 Willow Cree Healing Lodge: Resident, Elder, and Staff Experiences (2022)

ERR-20-11 Pê Sâkâstêw Centre: Resident, Elder, and Staff Experiences (2022)

ERR-20-10 Kwìkwèxwelhp Healing Village: Resident, Elder and Staff Experiences (2022)

ERR-14-07 Social Histories of Aboriginal Women Offenders (2014)

ERR-12-06 Perspectives of employment needs: Emerging results from qualitative focus groups with Indigenous Offenders (2012)

ERR-24-03 Stan Daniels Healing Centre: Resident, Staff, and Elder Experiences (2024) new

RIB-23-35 Criminal Risk Index Validation for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Men (2023)

RIB-23-20 Indigenous and non-Indigenous Women Offenders' Substance Use over Time: 2010 to 2021 (2023)

RIB-23-14 Barriers to Timely Release among Indigenous Federal Offenders (2023) new

RIB-23-08 Age at Time of Admission to Federal Corrections, 2020-21 (2023) new

RIB-23-05 Indigenous Offenders Affiliated with Security Threat Groups (STGs) (2023)

RIB-22-23 Pandemic Era Impacts on Federal Custody Turnover Rates (2023)

RIB-22-14 Pandemic Era Impacts on Conditional Release Outcomes (2022)

RIB-22-13 Pandemic Era Impacts on Federal Day Parole Releases Outcomes (2022)

RIB-22-11 Pandemic Era Impacts on the Federal Custody Population Profile: Indigenous Women (2022)

RIB-22-10 Pandemic Era Impacts on the Federal Custody Population Profile: Indigenous Men (2022)

RIB-22-09 Pandemic Era Impacts on the Federal Custody Population Profile: Women (2022)

RIB-22-08 Pandemic Era Impacts on the Federal Custody Population Profile: Men (2022)

RIB-22-07 Pandemic Era Impacts on Federal Releases (2022)

RIB-22-06 Pandemic Era Impacts on Federal Admissions (2022)

RIB-22-02 Section 84 Releases among Indigenous Offenders Released from Men's Institutions (2023)

RIB-22-01 Section 84 Releases among Indigenous Offenders Released from Women's Sites (2023)

RIB-21-25 Basic Needs for Safe Reintegration: Financial and Housing Stability (2022)

RIB-21-22 Indigenous Federal Offenders in Structured Interventions Units and the Mainstream Population (2022)

RIB-21-18 Federal Custody Turnover Rates: 2018-19 to 2020-21 (2022)

RIB-21-17 Federal Recidivism Rates: 2011-12 to 2020-21 (2022)

RIB-21-15 Indigenous Gender Diverse Offenders (2022)

RIB-21-14 Intimate Partner Violence among Offenders in Federal Custody (2021)

RIB-21-10 Dangerous Offenders under Federal Supervision: 2014-15 to 2019-20 (2021)

RIB-21-09 Age Structure of Women in Federal Custody: 2009-10 and 2019-20 (2021)

RIB-21-08 Federal Offenders Serving Life Sentences: 2015-16 to 2019-20 (2021)

RIB-21-06 Initial Custody Placements of Federally Sentenced Women: 2010 to 2020 (2021)

RIB-21-05 Major Offence and Sentences of Federal Offenders in Custody: 2020 (2021)

RIB-21-04 Identified Needs of Federal Offenders in Custody: 2020 (2021)

RIB-21-03 Youth and Adult Histories of Federal Offenders in Custody: 2020 (2021)

RIB-21-02 Shifting Age Structure in Federal Custody: 2009-10 and 2019-20 (2021)

RIB-21-01 Indigenous Federal Admissions and Release: 2000-01 to 2019-20 (2021)

RIB-20-09 Federal offenders affiliated with Security Threat Groups (STG) (2022)

RIB-20-02 Indigenous men offenders who self-reported veteran status (2022)

RIB-19-12 Indigenous Federal Admissions and Releases: 2013-2014 to 2018-2019 (2019)

RIB-19-09 Comparison of Women Offenders Who Use Opioids versus Other Types of Substances (2019)

RIB-19-08 Substance use Patterns of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Women Offenders (2019)

RIB-18-11 Conditions of Release for Federal Women Offenders (2018)

RIB-18-10 Comparison of Release Conditions for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Federal Men Offenders (2018)

RIB-17-15 Section 84 Releases: Impact on Post-Release Outcomes (2018)

RIB-17-12 Youth Histories of Federal Indigenous and Non-indigenous Offenders (2017)

RIB-17-11 Indigenous Federal Offender Population: Custody and Community Supervision 2007 to 2017 (2017)

RIB-17-10 Section 84 Releases: Profile of Federal Indigenous Men Offenders (2017)

RIB-17-09 Federal Indigenous Women Offenders who Participated in Section 84 Releases (2017)

RIB-17-04 Waivers, Postponements, and Withdrawals among Indigenous Offenders (2017)

RIB-16-24 Profile of Inuit Offenders in Custody and the Community: Implications for Programming (2017)

RIB-16-21 Age Structure of Federal Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Offender Populations (2016)

RIB-16-13 Federal Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Offenders Reaching Sentence Completion (2016)

RIB-14-39 Utility of the Items of the Static Factors Assessment (SFA) with Aboriginal Male Offenders (2017)

RIB-14-32 Work Releases Reduce Unemployment for Indigenous Offenders (2015)

RIB-14-31 Temporary Absences Reduce Returns to Custody for Indigenous Offenders (2015)

RS-14-26 Comparing Substance Use Patterns of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Women Offenders (2014)

RS-14-23 Inuit Men Offenders: Characteristics, Institutional Adjustment, and Post-Release Outcomes (2014)

RS-14-18 Exploration of Staff Training Needs Regarding Inuit Offenders (2014)

RS-14-06 Aboriginal Women Offenders' Use of Aboriginal-specific Staff for Reintegration Purposes (2014)

RS-13-03 Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program (AOSAP) and Cultural Engagement (2013)

RS-13-02 The Cultural, Social and Substance Use Histories of Male Offenders Enrolled in the Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program (AOSAP) (2013)

RS-12-10 Offender Substance Use Patterns: Aboriginal and Non-Indigenous Offenders (2012)

RS-12-08 Comparing the Mental Health Treatment and Abuse Histories of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Participants of the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) (2012)

RS-10-01 An Examination of the Circles of Change Program (2010)


R213 An Examination of the Effectiveness of Tupiq: A Culturally Specific Program for Inuit Sex Offenders (Stewart, Hamilton, Wilson, Cousineau and Varrette, 2009)

R206 Feasibility of an Inuit Specific Violence Risk Assessment Instrument (Harris, Cousineau, Pagé, Sonnichsen and Varrette, 2009)

R203 Assessing Security Reclassification with Male Aboriginal and non-Indigenous Offenders (Gobeil, 2009)

R198 Women and Violence: Theory, Risk, and Treatment Implications(Bottos, 2008)

R170 Pê Sâkâstêw Centre: An in-depth Examination of a Healing Lodge for Federally Incarcerated Offenders (Trevethan, Crutcher, Moore and Mileto, 2007)

R180 An Evaluation of the Spirit of a Warrior Program for Women Offenders(Bell and Flight, 2006)

R172 The "In Search of Your Warrior" Program for Indigenous offenders: A Preliminary Evaluation (Trevethan, Moore and Allegri, 2005)

R156 A Needs Assessment of Federal Aboriginal Women Offenders (Bell, Trevethan and Allegri, 2004)

R155 Program and Service Needs of Federally Incarcerated Métis Offenders in Saskatchewan(Moore, Trevethan and Conley, 2004)

R153 The Tupiq Program for Inuit Sexual Offenders: A Preliminary Investigation (Trevethan, Moore and Naqitarvik, 2004)

R148 Manitoba: An Examination of the Program Needs of Métis offenders in Federal Correctional Facilities (Mileto, Trevethan and Moore, 2004)

R142 The Needs of Inuit Offenders in Federal Correctional Facilities (Trevethan, Moore, Naqitarvik, Watson and Saunders, 2004)

R134 First Nations, Métis, Inuit and non-Aboriginal Federal Offenders: A Comparative Profile (Moore, 2003)

R129 The Needs of Métis offenders in Federal Correctional Facilities in British Columbia (Trevethan, Moore and Thorpe, 2003)

R130 An Examination of Healing Lodges for Federal Offenders in Canada (Trevethan, Crutcher and Rastin, 2002)

R126 The Statistical Information on Recidivism - Revised 1 (SIR-R1) Scale: A Psychometric Examination (Nafekh and Motiuk, 2002)

R122 Exploring the Profiles of Aboriginal Sexual Offenders: Contrasting Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Sexual Offenders to Determine Unique Client Characteristics and Potential Implications for Sex Offender Assessment and Treatment Strategies (Ellerby and MacPherson, 2002)

R121 An Examination of Youth and Gang Affiliation within the Federally Sentenced Aboriginal Population (Nafekh, 2002)

R113 The Effect of Family Disruption on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Inmates (Trevethan, Auger, Moore, MacDonald and Sinclair, 2001)

R112 Turning Points: A Study of the Factors Related to the Successful Reintegration of Indigenous Offenders (Heckbert and Turkington, 2001)

R111 Community Needs Assessment for Métis Offenders in Manitoba (Manitoba Métis Federation - Winnipeg Region, 2001)

R110 Release Potential of Federally-Sentenced Aboriginal Inmates to Communities: A Community-Based Research Project (Saulis, Fiddler and Howse, 2001)

R109 The Relevance of a Cultural Adaptation for Aboriginals of the Reintegration Potential Reassessment Scale (RPRS) (Sioui and Thibault, 2001)

R61 Aboriginal Offender Survey: Case Files and Interview Sample (Johnston, 1997)

R37 Native Offender Substance Abuse Assessment: The Computerized Lifestyle Assessment Instrument (Vanderburg, Weekes and Millson, 1994)

R36 Northern Indigenous Offenders in Federal Custody: A Profile (Johnston, 1994)

R35 The Native Offender Substance Abuse Pre-treatment Program: Intermediate Measures of Program Effectiveness (Weekes and Millson, 1994)

ERR-09-01 The Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program: A holistic intervention (2009)

B30 Selected Annotated Bibliography: Aboriginal Justice and Corrections Research (2004) See Brief (B) disclaimer

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