Disclosure of transfer payment program under $5 million 2018-2019

Transfer payment under $5 million

Name of transfer payment program Grant to the University of Saskatchewan for Forensic Research Centre

End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Estimates
Link to department’s Program Inventory 1.0 Custody / 1.3 Institutional Health Services / 1.3.2 Mental Health
Main objective The purpose of this grant is to encourage graduate psychology students to choose the specialty of Forensic Psychiatry and thereby increase the pool of potential employees for CSC.
Planned spending in 2018–19 $120,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) Not applicable because the Policy on Results (2016) indicates that evaluations are not required for ongoing grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of $5 million or less.
General targeted recipient groups University of Saskatchewan, graduate Psychology Students
Name of transfer payment program Correctional Service of Canada's National Infrastructure Contribution Program

End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Link to department’s Program Inventory 1.0 Custody / 1.4 Institutional Services / 1.4.2 Accommodation Services
Main objective Enabling the agency to enter into contribution agreements with provinces, territories, municipalities, and non-profit organizations, towards construction done by those bodies, where the agency cannot otherwise do so in a reasonable and cost-effective manner or through existing mechanisms.
Planned spending in 2018–19 Up to $4,880,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation N/A
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) Not applicable because the Policy on Results (2016) indicates that evaluations are not required for ongoing grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of $5 million or less.
General targeted recipient groups Provinces, territories, municipalities, and non-profit organizations

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