GBA Plus supplementary table for 2022-23 Departmental Plan
General information
Institutional GBA Plus Capacity
CSC is reviewing its internal policy development framework and internal practices to identify areas for improvement. This includes augmenting training for policy writers with respect to human rights, and standardizing GBA Plus analysis in the development and updating of CSC policies.
With respect to the Gender Considerations Secretariat as reported in CSC's 2021-2022 Departmental Plan, three FTEs were allocated to the Secretariat and the Secretariat's mandate, which was set to expire in December 2021; a request to extend the mandate has been submitted to senior management.
Highlights of GBA Plus Results Reporting Capacity by Program
For each program in the department's Program Inventory, the following questions are answered:
- Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA Plus)? [Yes / No]
- If no, please describe what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program's impacts by gender and diversity.
- If yes, please describe (as relevant) any notable future initiatives to expand the program's capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity and timelines.
Note: While for the purpose of this template, the term "gender" is used interchangeably with "sex" (unless otherwise specified), CSC distinguishes between the two terms: "sex" (biological) and "gender" (psycho-social). CSC's Offender Management System captures sex for all its offenders, and "gender" for offenders who have expressed gender identity or expression related accommodation needs. CSC is considering making enhancements to its data collection policy to ask each offender, on a voluntary basis, to disclose their gender for the purpose of GBA Plus analysis.
P1: Institutional Management and Support |
P2: Supervision |
P23: Preventive Security and Intelligence |
P3: Drug Enforcement |
P4: Clinical Services and Public Health |
P5: Mental Health Services |
P6: Food Services |
P7: Accommodation Services |
P8: Offender Case Management |
P9: Community Engagement |
P10: Chaplaincy |
P11: Elder Services |
P22: Correctional Programs |
P15: Offender Education |
P16: CORCAN Employment and Employability |
P17: Social Program |
P18: Community Management and Security |
P19: Community-Based Residential Facilities |
P20: Community Correctional Centres |
P21: Community Health Services |
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