GBA Plus supplementary table for 2022-23 Departmental Plan

General information

Institutional GBA Plus Capacity

CSC is reviewing its internal policy development framework and internal practices to identify areas for improvement. This includes augmenting training for policy writers with respect to human rights, and standardizing GBA Plus analysis in the development and updating of CSC policies.

With respect to the Gender Considerations Secretariat as reported in CSC's 2021-2022 Departmental Plan, three FTEs were allocated to the Secretariat and the Secretariat's mandate, which was set to expire in December 2021; a request to extend the mandate has been submitted to senior management.

Highlights of GBA Plus Results Reporting Capacity by Program

For each program in the department's Program Inventory, the following questions are answered:

  1. Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA Plus)? [Yes / No]
  2. If no, please describe what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program's impacts by gender and diversity.
  3. If yes, please describe (as relevant) any notable future initiatives to expand the program's capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity and timelines.

Note: While for the purpose of this template, the term "gender" is used interchangeably with "sex" (unless otherwise specified), CSC distinguishes between the two terms: "sex" (biological) and "gender" (psycho-social). CSC's Offender Management System captures sex for all its offenders, and "gender" for offenders who have expressed gender identity or expression related accommodation needs. CSC is considering making enhancements to its data collection policy to ask each offender, on a voluntary basis, to disclose their gender for the purpose of GBA Plus analysis.

P1: Institutional Management and Support
  1. No
  2. The performance indicators associated with this Program do not report on offender-level details as this program area monitors performance at the incident-level.
  3. N/A
P2: Supervision
  1. No
  2. The performance indicators associated with this Program do not report on offender-level details as this program area monitors performance at the incident-level.
  3. N/A
P23: Preventive Security and Intelligence
  1. No
  2. The performance indicators associated with this Program do not report on offender-level details as this program area monitors performance at the incident-level.
  3. N/A
P3: Drug Enforcement
  1. No
  2. The performance indicators associated with this Program do not report on offender-level details as this program area monitors performance at the incident-level.
  3. N/A
P4: Clinical Services and Public Health
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P5: Mental Health Services
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P6: Food Services
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. Food Services has a national menu that supports the nutritional requirement of its offender population in the men's institutions. Each women's institution has their own menu that is reviewed and supported by a regional dietitian. Regions expressed the desire for a national menu at their women's institutions. National Headquarters Food Services plans to start a working group in the near future to work on this. The Food Services Management Information System has the capacity to report on religious diets, diets of conscience, by gender type, and by aging population.
P7: Accommodation Services
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. The data for the indicators for this Program Activity can be disaggregated for women and Indigenous offenders. The only caveat is that since the number of "accommodation services" grievances from women offenders will likely be quite low, the rates per 1,000 may not be very meaningful. The 2020-2025 Accommodation Plan estimates accommodation requirements for three sub-populations (women, Indigenous and aging offenders) and for specialized health services.
P8: Offender Case Management
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P9: Community Engagement
  1. Yes

    For the Restorative Opportunities (RO) program, data is available and sufficient. While the RO program does not collect gender and diversity information directly about offender and victim program participants, it is available from two other CSC systems. CSC collects information in OMS regarding offenders' gender and diversity, as self-identified, which is provided by Performance Measurement and Management Reports (PMMR) for the RO Correctional Results Report. As well, Victim Services collects this type of information as provided by registered victims.

    The National Victim Services Program can report on gender and ethno-cultural groups, as provided on a voluntary basis by registered victims. Victim Services Officers enter this information into the Victims Application Module (VAM) and victims can elect to provide this information themselves using the Victims Portal, if they have an account.

    For the Volunteer Program, including members of CSC's Citizen Advisory Committees, CSC tracks gender as self-reported by the volunteer on their volunteer application form (CSC form 0740-e) and renewal form, for CAC members only (CSC form 0740-1e). The form states "Gender: (refers to gender identity which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents)" providing the options of 'Male', 'Female and 'Other'. This data is stored on the volunteer's paper file and entered into the Volunteer Module in the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

    The Volunteer Module in HRMS ("VHRMS") has a section for reporting Employment Equity (EE) data. Currently, the process is that volunteers are asked to complete an EE form on a voluntary basis after they have been approved. The data is then entered in VHRMS.

  2. N/A
  3. The year 2021 was the first year that the Program was able to report on demographic data related to victims, including ethnicity and gender. The National Victim Services Program ran a number of demographic data reports and shared those with Public Safety for publication in its Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview. The reports were also shared with external stakeholders, including members of the Regional Victims Advisory Committees, Citizen Advisory Committees and Regional Ethnocultural Advisory Committees. This has helped to raise awareness of the demographics of registered victims. The voluntary, self-reported data remains incomplete as CSC cannot require victims to provide the information during annual interviews. CSC will continue to encourage victims to provide demographic data through its ongoing engagement with them. Knowing that the self-reported data for victims who are Indigenous, Black or members of other racialized communities is low, CSC has placed a priority on outreach to these communities as a national program for the next three years (2020-21 to 2023-24). Statistically, Indigenous and Black communities suffer victimization by homicide at a rate much higher per capita than non-Indigenous or non-visible minority counterparts respectively. We believe this means we need to raise awareness in these communities of our services and victims' rights under the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights. We will be taking an intersectional approach to our outreach, working with the LGBTQ2S community and looking at how services may need to be tailored culturally or even by gender. Currently, the only values in the Victims Application Module for gender reporting are 'female' and 'male'. Victim Services has submitted a request to IMS for an additional value ("Other") for the response to the gender question.

    With respect to reporting program impacts by gender and diversity for volunteers, we have not done this historically. However, Citizen Advisory Committees (CAC) launched a five-year strategic plan in December 2020 and this presents an opportunity for us to look at data. One of the strategies identified is to foster and support diversity and inclusiveness for CACs to be as representative as possible of their surrounding communities and the inmate populations they serve. We will look at the data we have from VHRMS on Employment Equity and gender reporting for CAC members.

P10: Chaplaincy
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P11: Elder Services
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P22: Correctional Programs
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P15: Offender Education
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P16: CORCAN Employment and Employability
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P17: Social Program
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P18: Community Management and Security
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P19: Community-Based Residential Facilities
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P20: Community Correctional Centres
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL
P21: Community Health Services
  1. Yes
  2. N/A
  3. NIL

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