Faces of CSC: Elder Paul Bourgeois, Mishcogaabaowe (Standing Strong)
September 24, 2024
Elder Services, Warkworth Institution, Ontario Region
“Working as an Elder here at Warkworth Institution for nearly 15 years, I feel that the Circle is one of the most important things that we do here.”
The Circle sometimes is a time for the men to simply smudge with sage or sweetgrass. Sometimes it is a Talking Circle, a Healing Circle, or a Teaching Circle. The Circle and what it represents is foundational to all that we do here in Indigenous Services.
The Circle can be an introduction to the men learning about their culture and traditions or a place to strengthen and develop what they already learned previously. Some men find their ‘voice’ in the Circle in learning how to speak effectively in front of a group of people. For others, it is simply learning the discipline of sitting, being quiet, and learning how to listen.

The Circle is all inclusive and can represent all that is physical or spiritual including the past, present, and future. The Circle has no beginning or end and is open to anyone sincerely seeking the teachings of the Anishinabe (Indigenous) people. Everyone has an equal opportunity to speak about what is important as to what they are thinking or feeling. By the end of the Circle, each person has benefited by hearing everyone’s story.
All that is said in the Circle is meant to remain there and not to be repeated and become rumour and gossip. Men have told me that even when they don’t attend, they get comfort and strength knowing the circle is happening and that someone has prayed for them. Sometimes the Circle is a springboard to open themselves up to participating in a sweatlodge ceremony or one-to-one counselling sessions with the Elder, Elder helpers, or Indigenous Liaison officers. The Circle is based on the principles of kindness, generosity, honesty, and strength. The Circle is opened with a smudge and prayer from the Elder to set the environment for good words to follow and be shared.
Some men have said, “The Circle is a time to be ‘Indian’ and sit with their Mother Earth, Grandfather Sky, and give thanks to all of creation; a time be grateful for all that we have.”
Niicaanigaanaa (for me and all my relatives)
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