Video Series: Think twice before sharing online content

Disinformation: Check the facts


Did you know?

(Foot pops up, grows)

An adult foot grows half a shoe size in the summer?

Neither did we!

Because we totally just made that up.

Check the facts, check the source.

Think twice before sharing online content.

(Canada Wordmark)

Trolling: Check your emotions


Did you know?

(Hockey stick pops up, breaks in half)

Nobody likes hockey anymore.

How did that make you feel? Angry? Sad?

Sometimes internet trolls post things just to get a response out of you.

Check the source, check your emotions.

Think twice before sharing online content.

(Canada Wordmark)

Fake sites: Check the URL


Did you know?

The Governmint of Canda invests in stuff.

(Circle appears on the "i" in Governmint, arrow points to missing "a" in Canda)

Huh, that looks like something we would post but this is clearly a knock-off.

Sometimes things online look legitimate but they aren’t.

Check the URL, check the source.

Think twice before sharing online content.

(Canada Wordmark)

Timing: Check the date


Did you know?

(Flag of Canada waving)

Canada is accepting design suggestions for a new flag!

We certainly did!

Because that story came out in 1964.

Just because you saw it today, doesn’t mean it happened today.

Check the date, check the source.

Think twice before sharing online content.

(Canada Wordmark)

Hacked Accounts: Check multiple sources


Did you know?

Malicious cyber actors create fake accounts that look real

(Screen flickers)

or even hack into accounts

(Screen flickers)

to mislead people.

(Switches to black background)

People should believe everything they see online.

(Screen flickers)

Wait a second, this doesn’t seem right at all.

(Screen flickers)

Did this post just get hacked?

If a trusted information source suddenly starts posting things that are out of character they may have been hacked.

(Screen flickers)

Check the facts, check multiple sources.

Think twice before sharing online content.

(Canada Wordmark)

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